Chapter 3

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             "What happened to their shirts?"

        I blushed at the sound of Harry's voice, right behind me, and blushed even more at the question. Perrie giggled and winked at me. Easy for her, she was covered by Zayn's jacket. No such luck for me, though. I was supposed to drive back with the boys, since Max left with the excuse he had some 'things' to take care of. I bet those things have to do with a paycheck, since the first meeting went well, I thought to myself.

      We got out of the building, and a white van was waiting for us. As were some paparazzi. I squirmed under the flashes, trying to hide. Someone must have seen my discomfort, because a moment later I was being pulled behing a tall lean body. It took me a second to recognise the black shirt. Harry hid me behind his body, shielding me from the cameras, but I knew that it was too late. I was pretty sure that by morning my pictures would be scattered all over the place. Harry didn't let go of my wrist until we were inside of the van.

         "Thank you." I murmured, locking eyes with his green ones, a kind smile on his lips.

         "No, not at all. It gets pretty crazy sometimes, but it's part of the job." He finally let go of my hand, which I didn't realise he was still holding. "You don't have to be afraid."

        We drove back in silence. Zayn and Perrie were sitting in the back with Niall, and Harry, me and Liam were sitting in the middle. Louis was in the front.

        "So, how are you planning to do the documentary?" Liam asked, just when the driver stopped in front of the building where our flats were.

        "I've no idea." I mumbled. Liam raised his eyebrows and Harry shot me a confused look. Then I realised what I had said. "I mean, no, of course I have an idea, I just don't want to reveal my secrets yet!" I forced out a laugh while mentally face palming.

        "Right, of course!" Niall intervened, and I could've kissed the Irish lad out of realief. The other boys and Perrie seemed to forget the confusion and we finally made our way to our respective flats. Zayn and Perrie lived together in the same flat and Liam lived in the same floor. Niall and Louis lived in the second floor, just below them, and Harry, Max and I lived in the first floor.

        "We'll see you tomorrow?" Perrie asked, smiling at me.

       "Yeah, sure." I smiled back, and she hugged me quickly before stepping into the elevator with Zayn and Liam. Niall winked at me and patted Harry on the shoulder before following Louis, who waved at both of us, up the stairs. Harry was fidgeting abstently with his keys and I just stood there, not knowing what to say or do.

        "So..." he started, smiling shyly. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow too, then?"

        "Yeah." I couldn't help but smile back at his adorable self.

        "Yeah." he said, quietly, his smile getting wider as he took a step back to unlock his door.

        "Ok, then..." I mumbled, still smiling like crazy. He waved before closing his door, a wide cheeky grin on his lips. I unlocked my own flat door and closed it behind me, resting my back against the wood.

        I could barely believe that a few hours ago I had been in my home, and now I was in London. With my own flat. And One Direction as my neighbors.

          Everything was great. Of course my cheery mood didn't last long.

         The nightmares came back that night.


        "What!" I snapped, my head covered by my pillow in a weak attempt to shut down the knocks at my door. "Go away!"

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