Chapter 15

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Nothing prepared me to see them like that. I knew it was bad the moment I saw their faces.

Louis was the first to get out of the improvised meeting room, and the expression on his face was enough to make my heart ache. Niall came out next, and for the first time I saw him without a smile on his lips. Zayn didn't even look at any of us and went straight up the stairs, probably to lock himself in his room. Liam looked like he had been hit with a wrecking ball and Harry... Harry was just emotionless. His eyes were cold, his lips pressed together in a straight line. His posture was tense, like he was ready to run at anything. He reminded me of a wounded animal, always searching for any source of danger and ready to bolt if it came to that.

But one thing was clear in every single one of them: they were angry. And even that seemed like an understatement.

Words weren't needed when my eyes met Harry's, and I just walked to him and hugged him without thinking. He tensed up for a moment before hugging me back, his arms wrapped protectively around me.

He relaxed almost instantly and I felt him take a deep breath. We remained like that for a few moments more until I stepped back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I whispered, tilting my head back so I could look into his haunted eyes. He rubbed soothing circles on the small of my back.

"I don't want to talk about it." He replied, shaking his head.

I nodded, understanding. But either way I was going to find out what the hell had happened.

Mr. de Ville might have the upper hand now, but I was going to make sure that didn't last.




It's been a month. A bloody month since 5SOS agreed to leave us. A month since Louis overheard a conversation between the boys and Greg. That's why he knew what was going on before the rest of us.


Pictures have been leaked. People found out about Liam smoking. It wasn't exactly a secret, but it wasn't a good contribute to our reputation either. Not that we had tried to cover it up, but the public didn't know. Our fans were disappointed and that hurt us more than anything.


I couldn't understand what was happening. Where had all these things come from? Why now? Why us? How come the paparazzi always found out where we where?

Paul was acting weird. He had been part of our security team since the very beginning, and the fact that he had been slowly drifting away from us hurt. And we didn't even know why. Was it because of something we did?


"Focus!" my trainer brought me back to reality. I had been boxing for about an hour and a half now and my body was already protesting. We had had little time to exercise properly since we were on tour, but now that we were back in the UK and back to the tour bus, things were easier.

The problem was, my mind wouldn't shut off like it normally did when I'm training. Quite the contrary, I didn't seem to be able to stop thinking no matter how much I tried. I had trouble sleeping, not only because of jet lag, but because I was always on edge, always expecting some sort of attack.

Maybe I was going mental.


I had talked to the lads about it, of course. They had also noticed something was wrong, but instead of me, they thought it was better if we just let things roll. But I had a bad feeling.

Especially since we met the replacement, as Greg called him, of 5SOS. His name was Oliver. He had joined us the very same day we had known about evrything. He arrived two hours before our concert and he was the opening act. We didn't even have the chance to say goodbye to the boys of 5SOS, because their flight was at the exact time our gig started.


In a few days we'd perform in London, and then we had two days off before leaving again, this time to Sweden.

Tonight the concert was in Edinburgh. Oliver was going to do the opening act. Again.

He was a nice guy, I had to admit that. He was nice to everyone, sweet even. Lou, our makeup artist, was enchanted with him. She even let him play with Lux more than she let me. And I was her Uncle Harry! And he was always talking to Beth, following her everywhere. And she didn't do anything about it. She let him do everything he wanted.

Jesus, that guy was getting on my nerves.


I wasn't the jealous type. And never, ever, in a million years, I would've thought I'd be getting jealous over a girl I'd met for barely three months.

Except Beth wasn't just a girl. And I'd kissed her. Once, but that's beside the point. She also slept with me at least two or three times a week. And I really meant sleep. It just feels good to fall asleep with her in my arms, and waking up next to her. She was an amazing cook. Her hugs were amazing. I liked when she smiled or laughed, or when she took my hand out of the blue everytime we were walking. She was amazing with the other lads, always laughing and playing along with them. They loved her. My mum wanted to meet her. She was just special.

It wasn't just a girl, it was Beth.

Oh, God, I sound like a girl. Or someone in love... Oh, no.

I froze with my fist mid-air and my trainer just looked at me like I was mental. Maybe I was, and that's why I could't stop thinking about her. Maybe that's why felt like I trusted her, and that scared me to death. I couldn't trust. I couldn't risk my heart like that.

I just couldn't. And yet I felt like it was already too late to stop it.

The damage had already been done.



Remember when I said I had this feeling something was wrong? Yeah, I was damn right.

The disaster came in the form of de Ville's son. That annoying, egocentric, selfish, idiot creature. I swear even seeing him makes my skin itch like the first time I met him, and it's been a month since then.

And he wouldn't leave me alone! It was like I was his new, shiny play toy. The problem was, I was tired of being played. Most of all, I was tired of letting those I loved being played.

So I decided to do something about it. Finally.

I waited for the moment the tour bus was empty. Louis and Niall were playing football outside, Zayn was somewhere painting as usual, and Liam was probably inside the stadium, making sure everything was ready for their concert tonight.

Only then, after I made sure the bus was really empty, I picked up my phone and dialed Max's number.

He picked up almost immediately.

"Max? We need to talk." I felt a tiny spark of hope, for the first time since I'd met Robert de Ville. "We have a mission."



This chapter is just weird, I know. I promise the next one will be better. I'll update as soon as I can. I'd planned to finish this story on New Year's Eve, but I don't think I'll be able to. Anyways, there will be around 5/6 more chapters and an epilogue.

Thank you for reading, my lovely cupcakes, I love you lots. Don't forget to comment!

Love x

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