Chapter 8

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        HARRY'S POV

        It was warm. And confortable.

      I needed a second to remember why I wasn't sleeping alone. Beth. She was sleeping peacefully, her head on my shoulder and her arm resting across my stomach. Her dark hair was falling onto her face and I pushed it back gently. She pursed her lips in her sleep, her fingers gripping the fabric of my t-shirt.

       I planted a gentle kiss on her cheek before getting up as quietly as I could. Louis, Niall, Zayn and Liam were still sleeping, as were the rest of the people on the tour bus. I grabbed a grey t-shirt, some jeans and boots and headed to the bathroom to change. Then I walked as silently as I could to the kitchen to make breakfast, stopping by Beth's bunk just to check up on her.

        I hummed quietly while making scrambled eggs and pancakes, not noticing I wasn't alone until I heard the fridge's door open.

        "Morning." Zayn grumbled, rubbing his eyes.

       "Good morning, Zayn." I smiled, focusing back on the eggs. A little while later, I heard a yawn and looked over my shoulder to see Liam running a hand through his hair while sitting on a chair by the table.

        "Man, I miss my bed." he groaned, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands and looking up to me. "Harry, how you're that cheery in the mornings will always be a mystery to me."

      "Good morning to you too, Payne!" I beamed happily, putting a couple of pancakes and eggs on a plate and handing it to them.

       They muttered a quick 'thanks' before they started eating. Louis and Paul, our father figure while we were away from home, joined us a while later. Beth was still missing. After a while they started leaving, first Liam, then Zayn and Louis and, at last, Paul.

        "Harry, you coming?" he asked, hesitating before leaving.

        "Yeah, in a minute." I smiled, trying to reassure him. Paul nodded and turned around, leaving me alone.

        I was left alone to eat breakfast myself, after making it for everyone else. After I ate, I washed the dishes, hoping to meet Beth before heading to the stadium to do the sound check to the concert in the evening. I waited for her until the last second possible, but then I had to leave, or else someone would chop my head off.

        But I didn't leave without making sure I left a plate on the table with fresh made pancakes for her.


        BETH'S POV        

        I wasn't sleeping.

       I had woken up the second Harry left the bunk. But I couldn't gather up the courage to face him, not after he had seen me like that. He would ask questions. He'd worry. And I couldn't let any of that happen. Never.

        I made sure he had left before getting out of bed. I took a quick shower, got dressed and walked into the kitchen. I couldn't help but smile at the plate full of pancakes that he had left for me, but my smile soon disappeared when I noticed the folded note next to it.

        Hope you're better, love. Here's your breakfast, I did it myself. I'll see you soon. Harry x

       I sighed, tucked it into my jeans' back pocket and started eating, praying to every god I knew that Harry Styles didn't see me today. I washed my plate and grabbed my camera before leaving. I wandered for a good ten minutes without knowing where they were, until I remembered they were probably doing the soundcheck for the concert. The stadium was strangely quiet, though, making me wonder if they had already left.

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