Chapter 13

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We ended up falling asleep easier than we had thought.

I woke up first. I probably looked like hell, but I woke up next to Harry, his arms wrapped around my waist and my head on his chest. I wondered how exacly we had ended up that way, since we had fallen asleep facing each other.

He was still sleeping peacefully. His always bright eyes were closed, his eyelashes casting shadows down his cheeks due to the sunlight streaming through the curtains. His lips were slightly open, his breath calm and steady. His curly hair was the messiest I had seen it, and I struggled with the urge to run my fingers through it. He needed an haircut, it was getting too long.

I reached out and traced his lips, his cheebones, his nose, his eyebrows; then pushed away the stray curls falling onto his forehead.

He was so peaceful, so beautiful.

"I think I'm falling in love with you." I whispered, barely able to hear myself.

It was true, I realized. He was so genuine, so kind, so funny, so Harry. He made me laugh so easily, and then in the next moment he was serious again and asking me about my nightmares and my baby sister. He always respected me, if he noticed I wasn't comfortable talking about this or that, he would stop. He would tell some lame joke to make the awkwardness disappear and we would come back to normal. He kissed me on the forehead everyday before we went to bed, and then again when we saw each other in the mornings. He knew I didn't like onions, so he made sure to tell that to our cook, and to every waiter/waitress when we went out to dinner. I knew that he wanted something more with me, but respected the fact that I wasn't comfortable yet.

Little did he know that I wanted it too, more than anything. Except we couldn't. couldn't.

He wouldn't miss an opportunity to touch me, however, whether it was a kiss, on the forehead, on my wrist, on the cheek, on my temple, on my hair, on my shoulder. He would put an arm around my shoulders or waist once in a while, or take my hand in his when we were walking or just cuddled up watching a movie.

His hugs were simply the best in the world, and Harry always smelled of lemon soap and wood.

"Hiii." His low, sleepy, raspy voice pulled me out of my thoughts, and damn. That voice.

He smiled with his eyes still closed, and I quickly removed my hand from his hair; but it was too late, I had been caught.

"Morning." He said, finally opening his bright green eyes, amusement written all over his face.

"Hi." I replied shyly.

It was a miracle I wasn't blushing.

"Sleep well?" His fingers caressed the bare stripe of skin in between my sweatpants and my top.

I nodded, pushing back the strands of hair falling onto my face. And then I remembered what I probably looked like. The blush appeared instantly.

His phone started ringing, saving me from my embarassment. He furrowed his eyebrows, the sleepiness still in his features disappearing instantly. He removed his hands from my waist and reached out to pick up his phone from the nightstand.

"Hello?" he pushed himself up on the bed, so that his back touched the headboard. "Hi, mum!" His eyes immediately lit up. I took that as my cue to leave, so I sat up and started to get out of the bed. His hand curled around my wirst, holding me in place.

"Don't go." he mouthed, still half listening to whatever his mum was saying on the phone. I shook my head and pointed to my own phone, resting on the nightstand. His lips formed and "O" shape, which meant he understood, and he let go of my wrist.

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