Chapter 4

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        I constantly needed to remind myself to not get attached.

       Not an easy task, considering I was torn. Half of me knew I couldn't get attached. It would break my heart to betray someone I cared about. I knew. The other half, though, was already caring way too much.

       It was hard not to, after spending weeks with those boys. It was impossible not to love them, not to care. I had spent those weeks with them, I had seen the hidden part of One Direction that nobody got to see but their closest friends and family. I had seen Niall's bad mood when he was hungry, I had seen Zayn crying over the phone talking with his mom and sisters, I had seen Louis' exasperation whenever he read something bad about him on the Internet or on the press, I had seen Liam's protectiveness and leadership and I had seen Harry's morning mood. I had seen the way Niall tried to cheer us all up, even when he was feeling down himself. I had seen the way Louis loved making others laugh. I had seen the way Liam was always worried about the other boys and everything around them. I had seen the way Zayn looked like when he drew or painted. I had seen the way Harry always put way too much pressure on himself.

        Most of all I had seen that they were the most caring, true, sweet, honest and natural people on Earth. They saw me as a friend now, and had no shyness in showing me how much they cared.

        So, yeah, I was definitely attached.

      I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't hear the knocks on my door until Harry started calling my name.

        "Coming!" I shouted back, washing my hands in the sink before jogging over to open the door. Harry smiled at me, dressed up in a plaid button shirt totally open to reveal a plain white t-shirt, skinny black jeans and boots. He had his cross necklace hanging from his neck as always and his usual green beanie.

        "Hi, love."

        I smiled and stepped out of the way so he could come in and then closed the door.

        "What are you doing?"

     "Baking." I answered, running to the oven so I could take out my first batch of peanut butter cookies. The smell invaded the kitchen and Harry walked to my side, laughing softly.

        "Oh, now I get what Niall meant."

        "Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused.

        Harry's grin widened.

       "Lou told me a while ago that Niall has this huge crush on you because you have cook hands." He imitated Niall's irish accent, making me giggle. "Whatever that means." he shrugged.

        I blushed as I turned my back on him, grinning like crazy. He positioned himself right behind me, and stole a cookie from the jar where I was putting them. When I reached out to pat his hand away, he grabbed my wrist and made me turn around so I was facing him. He caressed my knuckles before lifting my hand in the air between us. He played with my fingers, his eyes never leaving mine. I was was having a hard time breathing, as I got lost into his emerald stare.

        "He was right, though. Don't know about the cook hands thing, but they are pretty... and little." A soft smile pulled up the corners of his mouth, while he wrapped his large hand around mine to prove his point.

     "That's because you have giant hands, sunshine." I replied, narrowing my eyes a little.  I was surprised I could form a coherent sentence. He chuckled, and as his body vibrated I noticed how close we were. Like we were really just inches apart. I was pretty sure he could feel my heart beating fast due to our proximity.

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