Chapter 7

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        BETH'S POV

        Holy Mother of Buses.

     That was literally the first thing that crossed my mind. Now, let me tell you something: One Direction WWA Tour Bus was huge. And by huge I mean that it was almost like it had a freaking hotel inside it. And don't even get me started on beds.

      "So, what do you think?" Liam stood calmy by my side. Zayn and Louis were inside the bus, while me and Liam were on the outside with Greg and a few other men from management and crew. Niall still hadn't come back from Ireland, and Harry was expected anytime now.

        "It's quite... big." I murmured, to which Liam laughed.

        "Yeah, it is. You'll get used to it." He shrugged. "Eventually..."

        I slapped his arm playfully and he smiled, bumping his shoulder with mine.

        "So... when exactly are Harry and Niall supposed to be here?"

       "Actually, Harry was supposed to be here by now, and Niall is only arriving tomorrow morning." Liam replied, while Zayn and Louis joined us. Greg and the other three men I didn't know were speaking quietly a little bit away from us. I was getting worried, Harry was late.

        "How is it?" Liam asked.

        "It's good, really good, mate." Zayn buried his hands in his jeans' back pockets.

        "I think it's bigger than the others, in fact. It has extra beds too." Louis added. Right then, I heard a very familiar raspy voice somewhere to my left. My heart skipped a beat.

        "Oh, Harry's here." Liam peeked over Louis' shoulder and waved, smiling. A few moments later, Harry was greeting us with hugs and smiles.

      He hugged me last, hesitating for a second before pulling me into his arms. Despite our last encounter, I calmed down instantly. Harry smelled like wood, cinnamon and lemon soap. We hugged a moment longer than it was necessary, but we didn't seem to mind. I guess we both needed to make sure everything was okay between us.

        We parted and I couldn'ts stop the smile that pulled up the corners of my mouth. When I turned to face the other boys, though, I noticed Liam narrowing his warm brown eyes at us, a light smile on his lips. I widened my eyes back, stucking out my tongue. He shook his head and smiled wider.

        An hour or so later, I returned to my flat to pack and meet the boys back at the tour bus. What I didn't expect was my little sister and Max waiting for me. And Max was a little... broken.

      "Ella!" I nearly had a heart attack. She screeched and jumped into my arms. I pulled her up, hugging her back tightly and peeking over her shoulder to Max. He had a black eye. And a huge purple bruise over the left side of his chin. And a split lip. I couldn't the rest of the injuries I was pretty sure he had because he was wearing a long sleeved sweater and jeans. Probably because he didn't want people to notice how bad his injuries really were.

        "Why are you here?" I asked my little sister, putting her back down. She smiled.

     "Max brought me, because he said you should see me before you go away. Where are you going?" She looked up at me with her huge blue eyes and I felt my heart melting.

        "Cupcake, I'm not going away forever. I'm just leaving for a few months. On a vacation." I said, in a soothing tone.

       "Oooh, really?" I nodded and she laughed. Then I looked back at Max, who was patiently waiting in the middle of my living room.

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