Chapter 14

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I just froze. Something was wrong. I could feel it.

My body reacted faster than my head, so before I could properly process and think things through, I was out the door. I didn't even care my hair was wet and messy, or that bra strap was slipping down my shoulder, or that I had dropped my phone on the floor of the bedroom.

Something was wrong, and I needed to get to the boys. Fast.

I stopped in front of Harry's room, barely remembering the trip there, but I couldn't care less. I knocked and then knocked again.

He wasn't answering. Maybe he was in the shower?

Deciding to drop it, I ran down the corridor and the stairs, nearly bumping into Niall when I made a tight turn in the direction of the common salon were the meals were held. It was the second time today.

"Jesus!" I breathed, colliding with his body and stumbling back, nearly falling on my backside, hadn't Niall caught me by my elbow.

"Hi there, B. What are you doing?"

I tried to smile.

"Nothing, really. I was just searching for you guys. Any idea where the others are?"

"We were summoned for some kind of meeting, so the boys are probably there already. I was on my way, but I stopped to get some breakfast first."

"Oh." I tried to ignore the panic. What's wrong this time, dammit? I was probably overreacting, but you never know with Mr. de Ville. The guy is just plain mental. "I guess I'll just wait for you, then?" It came out like a question.

"Yeah, go get some breakfast, hopefully it won't last long."

Niall winked and then was gone, leaving me alone to deal with my frantic mind.



Something was seriously wrong, and I was starting to get scared.

I hadn't seen Louis so restless, or Liam so angry, or Zayn with such a murderous look on his eyes... Ever.

And I had the feeling I was going to act like that soon too.

Greg was sitting patiently, his hands together on his lap. It was just me, or he had a kind of smug expression? Weird.

"Hello!" A familiar irish accented voice chirped, and Niall poked his head into the room, closing the door behind him. He must have noticed the heavy atmosphere, because he shut up and his expression became really serious.

Oh, hell, Niall was serious. God help us all.

"Okay, you can tell us what this is about now. What's going on?" I said, folding my arms across my chest.

"He decided to remove 5SOS from our tour, that's what's going on!" Zayn spat, surprising me by his tone.

My expression didn't change. I needed a few moments to let that sink in, and when it did, I didn't like the feeling one bit.

"Sorry, what?" I said, through my clenched jaw. "I believe I heard you wrong." I glared at Greg, not Zayn.

"What Mr. Malik said is correct." Greg said, his expression not changing one bit.

I had to have smoke coming out from my ears by now. I was that angry.

"Sorry, and why the hell is that?" Niall intervened.

"Because I - I mean us, from management - believe they're a bad influence on you." Greg explained simply, like he was making a comment on the weather.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing.

Even the rest of them had slight smiles on their lips - except Greg, of course, who still had that smug look that was getting on my nerves.

I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.

"You think they are a bad influence on us?" Liam questioned, in a monotone voice. That question only made me laugh harder, if that was possible. It was so ridiculous, for crying out loud!

5 Seconds of Summer couldn't even hurt a fly. If anything, we corrupted them. Not the other way around.

My fit of laughter faded at last, me slowly coming back to normal.

"That is just the stupidest thing I have heard in my life." Niall stated.

Zayn nodded. Louis was just staring at all of us, his eyes jumping from one to another with a cautious expression on his face. That was enough to put me on edge again.

"You are not removing 5SOS." I said, my voice steady. I started to turn around to leave, but Greg's voice made me freeze in place.

"It's already done, Mr. Styles."

There was two seconds of utter silence. Then all Hell broke loose.

"What do you mean it's already done?!" Zayn exclaimed.

"You made that decision without consulting us?" Liam said.

"No! What have you done?!" Niall added.

They were all speaking at the same time, Greg just sitting there calmly, watching the chaos unravel before his eyes.

Louis stayed silent. He knew something.

"No, you cant do that." Liam was still in denial.

"Not only I can, Mr. Payne, but I did." Greg's voice was cold. "There is nothing you can do about it. We already found a replacement, so there's no need for you to worry about that. The boys of 5SOS are leaving this afternoon."

"You can't just make them leave!" Zayn shouted, disbelief written all over his face.

And then came the two words that changed everything.

"They agreed."

The worst of all? It wasn't Greg's voice saying that.

It was Louis'.



Sorry, this chapter is just weird. I wanted to post something to celebrate Louis' birthday, but I guess it didn't came out as good as I expected it to. I think it's not even edited properly. Oh, well, better luck next time. Things are heating up.

Anyways, it's our Louis' birthday! He's 23, wow, how did that happen?! I swear, they grow up so fast and I'm so proud. *wipes off tears*

I'll update as soon as I can! LOVE YOU LOTS. Merry Christmas, and all that stuff. Don't forget to comment :D

Love x

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