Chapter 16

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I should've known. Going out at night with my hair wet and a t-shirt was not a good idea. Now I was sick, and we had a concert in a few hours. My throat hurt, my voice was a mess. I wasn't able to sing.

The worst of all? Beth wasn't around. She was always on the phone lately, she barely even talked to anyone. Something was worrying her, and I wanted to help, but she wouldn't even let me near her! Everytime I tried to talk to her, to ask her if something was wrong, she pushed me away with some lame excuse, like she was just tired and needed to sleep.

Yeah, right.

I pulled the covers up to my chin and sighed. I had spent hours in bed, alone, with a mug of hot tea around and pills to my sore throat. I was bored.

"Niall!" I shouted. Or tried, really, because I could barely talk, much less shout. The irish lad appeared a moment later.

"Har, you need anything? You okay?" he asked, a note of worry in his voice. He was adorable.

"I'm bored." I complained. I almost pouted. "Can you get Beth for me? Tell her I need her. Like now."

"Okay." he agreed. Well, that was easy. "I would, mate, but she's talking on the phone. Again." Good, so I wasn't the only one noticing that.

"Just tell her I really, really, really want her. Okay?" I sounded really lame, but hey, I was sick. I had an excuse.

Niall nodded and sighed, leaving me on the tour bus alone.

I hope he comes back wtih her.



I had found a quiet place, an isolated place where I could face-time Max in peace. And we had lots to talk about. I had made sure the trailer I had chosen was empty before I occupied it, so I knew that no one knew where to look for me. The trailer was used to do hair and makeup before the concerts, so no one was currently using it. Lou and the rest of the styling crew went out to rest before they had to work, so it was empty for at least a couple hours.

It was more than enough for me. I had even brought a bottle of water and some snacks, since I had skipped lunch.

"Max, hi." I greeted, as soon as I saw his face on the screen. "Do you have anything new?"

"Hi, and I have, indeed." Max paused for a moment, and I knew he was looking at something, probably documents. "I talked to Abe Carter yesterday, after you called me, so now I know a few interesting things."

He furrowed his eyebrows.

"First of all, Abe is on our side. Thanks to him, I now know de Ville's weaknesses."

"Well, that was unexpected." I said, grabbing the bottle of water. "I thought he was de Ville's partner in crime."

"He was, but according to what he told me, de Ville's plans were going too far. He didn't want to risk his family. Everything that he has already done before all this began is enough to put him in prison for the rest of his life. Abe has a daughter, he doesn't want to loose that. This was his last chance to do the right thing for once."

I nodded. As long as he was on our side, it was fine by me.

"So, Abe told me a few things." Max said, while I raised the bottle to my lips to take a sip. "Well, to begin with the surprise facts, de Ville's bankrupt."

I choked on the water.

"Excuse me, what?!" In croaked, coughing. "How can he be bankrupt if he's the one paying my bills? He's been the one sending me money ever since I agreed to this whole thing!"

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