Chapter 17

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When it came to relationships, I had three simple rules:

1) Never date co-workers/neighbors

2) Never date friends/friend's family

3) Don't trust

With Beth, I had broken every single rule. And the funny thing was, I didn't regret it.

I wanted her to be mine. I wanted to kiss her whenever I wished to. I wanted to kiss her forehead every morning. I wanted to hold her in my arms every night, and I wanted to hug her whenever she had those nightmares. I wanted to make her laugh and wipe her tears away. I wanted her to meet my family. She was a part of my life now, no matter how hard I tried to push her and these feelings away.

But I needed her to agree. I needed her to want me too.

"God dammit" I heard her mutter when I pulled back, still cupping her cheek. "You surprised me again. Why do you always do that?"

"Because you let me." I replied, my thumb ghosting over her bottom lip. I had kissed her literally three seconds ago and I already wanted to do it again. "What have you done to me?"

"The same you did to me." She replied.

"Beth." I sighed, leaning in until our foreheads touched. "Please say you agree to be mine."

I swear to God, Elizabeth Lewis, if you say no to me again...

"Harry..." Beth sighed and closed her eyes, shaking her head slightly. Oh-Oh. "I can't. We can't."


She hesitated, opening her eyes again. She didn't look at me, instead she turned so that she was facing the ceiling of my bunk. There was something Beth was not telling me.

And then, after what it seemed like an eternity, she broke the silence.

"Harry, there's something you need to know."



This was it. I could tell him everything I've been hiding since the beginning. I could tell him all about the blackmail, I could tell him all about my nightmares and the reason behind them. I could tell him why we couldn't be together, not until everything was solved. Maybe he would forgive me if I told him everything now, before he found out I'd been lying this whole time about almost everything.

I could. And as I opened my mouth to speak, I was interrupted by Liam, pulling back the curtain of Harry's bunk.


"Guys, we have a problem."

I jumped out of the bunk immediately, followed by Harry, and the three of us walked over to the part of the bus where the TV was. It was already turned on, and Zayn, Niall and Louis were already there, sitting on the couch. They were watching some sort of gossip news chanel or something, the kind that made me want to yell at the screen whenever they said something false about the boys.

The headline written in capital letters read "TROUBLE IN PARADISE?" with a picture of the five boys above it. Zayn turned up the volume, and the female reporter's voice was the only sound in the small space.

"... we have heard of for the last few weeks. Our source told us that the five boys of One Direction are falling apart. The same source told us, and I quote: One Direction days are numbered." the reporter was saying. "The truth is that lately the boys' image has been crumbling. First it was the smoking video, then we found out that Louis and Zayn weren't the only ones smoking in the band, and a series of compromising photos and videos have been leaked in the last couple weeks. These videos and photos show us the boys smoking and drinking, and with several younger girls. All of this tells us that maybe the five boys are getting tired of pretending to be perfect, and maybe they're not the fairytale princes we all thought they were. Please join us on Twitter and tell us what you think. Is this the end for One Direction?"

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