Chapter 5

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        I stared at her when she left our table towards the bathroom. I'd been watching her for a while now. It made me feel stupid, but somehow I couldn't keep my eyes off her. My eyes kept going to her everytime she smiled, laughed, blushed, pulled at her dress nervously when it slipped up on her thighs. Even when she pulled out her cellphone and glaring at it, probably thinking she was being discreet. I noticed the change in her eyes as the seconds went by, and I wondered what had got her so upset. And then, all of a sudden, she had excused herself with a fake smile and went straight to the bathroom.

        I kept questioning myself. Maybe she had news from her family that got her upset, or maybe it had something to do with friends or work. Stop it, Styles! What has got into you? I shook my head and finished my beer in four gulps, nearly breaking the glass when I laid it back on the table. She was just a girl, I kept telling myself. Nothing more. I shouldn't be that interested in her, in knowing why she had tiny little scars all over her legs that would've gone unnoticed, had I not been staring at her so intensely. I felt like I had an army of butterflies inside my stomach everytime she was close to me, or smiled at me, or even looked at me. It was driving me insane.

         And yet I couldn't stay away from her.

        I had tried, believe me. I kept telling myself over and over again that it was impossible for me to feel this way with someone I'd met only a few weeks ago. I couldn't.

       But wait... why was she taking so long? I glanced at my wrist watch, furrowing my eyebrows. She had been in the bathroom for almost fifteen minutes now. Was she sick? She wasn't drunk, that's for sure, so maybe something had happened? Had she been robbed?

     I was already on my feet and walking towards the bathroom before I could even process the endless possibilities going through my mind. Maybe I was being paranoid, but there was no way I was letting her get hurt with me so close. No way in hell.


        My scream was muffled by the loud music. Panic rose and made it hard to breathe, while I tried desperatly to get away.

        "Stop or I'll have to hurt you!"

        I froze. What the hell was he doing here?!

        "Let go of me!" I sreamed. My heeled foot hit his shin and his hand was instantly off my face. 

        "You're pushing your luck, kid." he said, a dangerous tone in his voice. "Remember who I am."

        "I know perfectly damn well who you are!" I balled my fists. "You just think you can do whatever you want to with me, but guess what... you can't."

        "Oh, but I can." He took a step closer to me, his face barely an inch away from mine. "I just came to remind you what I will do if you don't fulfill your end of the deal."

        "It wasn't a damn deal, it was blackmail." I spit. He just grinned and took out his phone, dialing something and lifting it to his ear.

        "It's me, get the girl on the phone."

        Mr. de Ville handed me the phone a second later.

        "H-Hello?" I stammered.

        "Hi, sis!" Ella's voice came from the other side. My heart dropped, taking my bravery with it.

        "Ella, are you okay?"

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