Chapter 3

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Midoriya had the location sent to him a few seconds later, and immediately got to work. Despite hearing that he might break a few bones in the process, he knew better than to hesitate.

This is my chance...My chance to prove my worth and show them that I'm powerful enough to stand by their side, as their leader as a matter of fact!

I'll prove that my decision of joining those who've helped me overcome my most troubling times and helped me grow wasn't a mistake!

I'll make Dabi and Toga proud of me.

And I'll make Shigaraki respect me too.

Although Midoriya wanted to get started as soon as possible, he knew better than to act rashly; after all, he was still surrounded by heroes, and if they find out he was the traitor, the trust privilege he has would completely be taken away from him.

And he still had a mission to fulfill before showing his true colors to the heroes.

Midoriya took out his cordless phone, made for villain and anonymous calls only, and began to type the already memorized phone number. He waited patiently despite his excitement, but couldn't help but grin as he heard the beeping stop and replaced by shuffling.

"Hello?" A familiar low, male voice asked.

"Hey, it's me." Midoriya waited for a response, but then he heard shuffling and frowned as he waited for Dabi to answer him. Finally, Dabi spoke.

"Izu, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me...Sorry for being off the radar-"

"You are such a shithead, 'zuku!" Dabi hissed at him as Midoriya's eyes widened in surprise. He was about to reply, when he realized why Dabi was so pissed. His face relaxed and he took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I...I'm sorry I was away for so long. But trust me, now that I've figured it out-"

"I'm not worried about you figuring any of your shit out! We're deep in shit here, and our leader doesn't seem to give a damn! As a matter of fact, 'saw you on the news rescuing a girl! Continuing to play hero despite needing to be there for us? What the fuck is up with that?!" Dabi tried to keep his voice down despite his anger, and Midoriya couldn't help but be thankful to have such a caring friend. He couldn't be mad at him, since Dabi only spoke the truth, and even though the truth hurt, Midoriya knew someone needed to tell him it, and make him face the reality.

"I fucked up." Midoriya said aloud as he sat down on his bed, playing with the skin around his nails.

"I fucked up, and that's something I can no longer change. But...But I found something that might help us, and it's supposed to be able to get us out of the hole you're...We're, in." Midoriya took a deep breath as he heard shuffling noises on the other side of the phone. He heard Dabi speak again, but this time it wasn't to him, and Midoriya bit his lip as he wondered what Dabi was saying.

Probably something like, 'the traitor is on the line'...

"Izuku? Is that really you?!" Midoriya's eyes widened at the excited tone of his other villain friend.

"Toga..." Midoriya said in relief, happy that it wasn't someone else, for example, Shigaraki, that knew he was on the line.

"It's been so long! Dude, you're such a bitch for leaving us like this!" Toga whined. Although, Midoriya was relieved to hear her sarcastic and playful tone as she spoke.

"I know, I know...And I'm very sorry. But trust me, now that I've got a few more allies on our side, we'll start rising once again!"

"Allies? You should've started with that, you brainless nerd!" Dabi growled, and just as Midoriya was about to comment on the nonsense nickname, he heard Dabi's faded voice, and couldn't help but panic.

Is he going to call everyone else...?!

"Hey, Izuku. Mind repeating that? This dried out man doesn't believe what I'm saying, maybe try convincing him-"

"To hell with convincing! Get your ass here you little shit, you're in deep trouble! And I don't give a single fuck that you're our leader, I'm gonna make sure to beat the crap out of you!" Tomura yelled on the other end of the line, causing Midoriya to slightly move the phone away from his ear from the loudness.

Just great...He really is going to kill me without even hearing me out, huh?

"I'll try to get to you as soon as I can, but before that, let me explain my-"

"Holy shit, is that freckle boy? Green-head, man, you're really in our debt! Do you have the slightest idea how many times we had to stop Tomura from marching into UA and disintegrating the whole place? And, I mean, that's exactly what we wanted, so you know how much of a bigger pain it was to stop him from doing that?!" Midoriya smiled to himself as he heard the familiar voice of another member of the league.

"I'm very sorry, Twice...I swear, I have a good reason for that." Midoriya, to be honest, was hoping that he'd be able to repay the trouble he caused to his league with what he had now. Although, he couldn't help but think it wasn't enough to please his friends and comrades, and how much more he wanted to do for them...

"You better get your ass here before I get my ass into UA." Tomura growled threateningly. Midoriya laughed nervously to himself as he felt a streak of sweat form on his forehead.

He's really mad...I think I might lose a limb or two even with the good news...

"Kurogiri, are you there?" Midoriya called out.

"Yes, young Midoriya." The low voice on the other line answered, getting louder as Kurogiri seemed to walk closer to the phone.

"Can you create a warp portal, in about...15 minutes next to the daily store we met last time?" Midoriya stood up and began to take his clothes out, starting to change as he pressed his phone against his shoulder an ear.

"Sure. We'll be waiting for you to come-"

"So that I can finally give you a proper beating." Tomura said sarcastically happily, although Midoriya could still here hate seep through the sarcasm.

"I'll...I'll see you there." Midoriya quickly hung up and let himself let out a sigh of relief as he quickly changed into his outside clothes.

Alright...Time to finally properly take charge.

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