Chapter 5

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After explaining the whole situation to Midoriya, Midoriya bit his nails as he processed what he was told.

"So...In short, you two are friends, you asked Toga of a favor for me so that she would take the punishment for me, she got beaten up by Kacchan, scolded by the teachers, lectured by my mom, closed for house arrest and you escaped to come back here and tell me all that? I still don't get why you would do so much for me though..."Midoriya frowned. He was thankful, of course, but it seemed suspicious that villains like them would do such a favor to a person who didn't help them one bit, but only got them into trouble.

"Well, you know, just 'cause we're badass and sometimes kill, doesn't mean that we don't help others too. Of course that doesn't really balance things out, but anyways, I still needed to practice feeling pain so that it won't hurt as much anymore." Toga giggled. Midoriya just sat there quietly, trying to process this. He just confirmed they were villains — fine. He could get over that fact, and anyways, he already some-what knew that.

But the fact that Toga and Dabi had killed before, and they talk about it so easily, that was concerning.

And...He was still taped to the chair too.

"Can you let me go now? I really have to move my legs..." He laughed nervously. Toga took out a knife from her pocket and Midoriya was about to scream when she cut the tape around his legs quickly, thankfully not making a scratch. She stepped back and giggled at Midoriya'a panicked expression before he bit his lip and stood up slowly and shakily.

"I thought you'd use scissors for this..." He mumbled. That made Toga laugh and hug his neck with one of her hands, pulling him closer to her as she ruffled his hair (which obviously made Midoriya flinch and shiver), and made Dabi roll his eyes playfully.

"Nah, you should get used to this." Toga punches him a little too harshly on the shoulder with the hand that was holding the knife, making Midoriya turn his head around to stop panicking at how close her blade was to his throat when she did that.

"Um...I should go before Mom notices that I went off somewhere...I'm in house arrest after all, right?" Toga nodded shortly before starting to flip the knife in her hand, scanning Midoriya's body as if considering where was the best place to cut him. Dabi nodded in response. 

"Yeah, sure. You're gonna have to walk a lone though — we've already caused you enough trouble." Midoriya snorted at him and rolled his eyes playfully before walking straight towards the exit, making Dabi sigh in annoyance and partial defeat. 

As much as he wanted them to trust each other, it was going to take a long, long time. 


Midoriya panted as he grabbed the branches of the tree which he was climbing.

Come on, a real hero could climb this tree up in a second, probably even without a quirk! Midoriya tried to cheer himself on as he pulled himself up again.

Because he was on house arrest, he couldn't just show up on the houses doorstep and walk to his room — his mother would be mad to find out that he son sneaked out despite (most likely; Midoriya didn't get all the details, after all) the rough scolding that he got from being involved in a fight.

Midoriya then stood up on the tree branch reaching for his window. The window was open so he easily climbed in.

Thanks Toga. He thought to himself as he closed the window behind him. He looked around.

The room suddenly felt boring to him. Nothing to do but study and watch his favorite All Might video...

It was kind of lonely too.

He knew he couldn't confront his mom about it, and it made him feel even lonelier.

But then, he heard a thump. A very familiar one in fact. He turned towards his window and saw Dabi leaning on the wall of his room.

He smirked at him and Midoriya smiled back.

AAAAAAAGH I know this is a very short and uneventful chapter, but I don't want everything happening abruptly, I want to have some sort of beginning before everything starts to go down ... Plus, I want to show you how Dabi's and Midoriya's relationship develops, how they started off and how they end up. Anyways, thinks for reading! Until next time ~

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