Chapter 3

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"I would've said it's nice to see you, but judging by the look on your face, you can't exactly say that back."

Midoriya simply hummed in response as he shoved his hands deeper in his pockets and headed towards the couch, falling on it exhaustively. The man who spoke was sitting on the couch and glanced at him somewhat lazily before sipping on whatever drink he had in his hand. Most likely coffee, considering Midoriya knew how irregular his schedule was.

"Hey, Daisuke. I need a favor to ask." Daisuke snorted.

"Thought I couldn't tell?"

"Yeah. Uh...This is kinda serious, though." Daisuke nodded in response, fixing a loose strand of dark brown hair behind his ear.

Midoriya gulped, trying his best to gather his thoughts into words.

"Is there any way to find out what a quirk is without using it?"

The way Daisuke looked at him, his sharp brow raised and his dark green eyes narrowed in suspicion, made Midoriya realize just how tired he felt and how exhausting it felt to try and explain.

"Let's just say, I had used the quirk before, but I'm not planning on using it again. At least, not willingly. I could describe it though, but is there any way to perform, let's say, a DNA test, that could help identify it in more detail?" Daisuke blinked at him for a few seconds, suspicious. Finally, he spoke his obvious opinion.

"You should go get some sleep."

"I want to! But I can't before I do this." Daisuke let out a small sigh.

"What are you getting at? Does someone have a quirk that's dangerous or something and you want to analyze it? Even so, you're a bit too persistent about it."

"It's...I can't say that it's exactly dangerous, but at some point, it might be. Especially if I don't understand it and find a way to stop it. Could you just answer me? It's sorta personal, at least for now."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I wasn't planning on bugging you, I just needed more info to get what you're saying." Daisuke stood up and leaned toward the table in front of them, picking up his phone and searching for something before turning his phone towards Midoriya. "She might help. Not sure she can do what you're asking, but you should get something out of her. She would've been a specialist should things have gotten better for her." Midoriya nodded, copying down the phone number into his phone, and stood up, stretching as he tried to wake himself up.

"Need some coffee before you go?"

"Since when did you start being buddies with clients?"

"Since when did you start asking for favors without paying?"

"See ya-"

"Not without money!" Midoriya would've laughed if he hadn't felt as tired as he was, leaving quickly despite knowing all too well that Daisuke wasn't planning on actually chasing him unlike he would've done with his other clients.

He hurried down the stairs of the old, worn down apartment building, before hurrying out of it, putting his clinic mask up higher. The League wasn't exactly hunted for at the moment, so not all heroes and even more so civilians should know him by the face, but better safe than sorry.

He put on his hoodie and bowed his head, looking at his phone, as he stepped into the crowd of the streets. Glancing around for any patrolling heroes (once again, just in case), he pressed 'call' for the previously dialed number and pressed it against his ear, his head still bowed.

The call buzzed a few times, and about 20 seconds later, the call was answered.

"Do you know Daisuke?" Midoriya immediately asked. If he got the wrong phone number, he couldn't give away any of the information to a civilian, who could easily call the cops and tell them about the call. Too much trouble.

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