Chapter 26

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"What's that about? We're not just going to just tie ourselves up like that. What kind of sick jokes are these?" Todoroki snarled, sweating harshly. The drug injected into him previously by one of the traitors, a recent graduate of the UA's heroic course, was taking its toll, and his quirk was erased. Hopefully temporarily.

Well, at least he won't have to worry about that if he wasn't coming out of here alive, which was what it felt like was going to happen.

"We have a time limit on this one, though. We have to start this, or else we're all going to lose!" An older hero stated. Before, he had been rational and calm, but now he had just begun ordering people around once the stress of seeing people die got to him. No surprise—they had lost 4 people out of the 7 that they had. It was just Todoroki, the previously confident man, and a quiet woman that hadn't said a word, but had already started shaking as their situation progressed.

"Someone will have to come back though, right? So that we can do this in pairs." Todoroki stated, scanning the obstacle course in front of them. There weren't any grand, chopping axes that you usually saw in cartoons or anything of that sort, but it seemed even more menacing.

There was a small, thin, wooden plank, swings with a deep hole under them, not deep enough to kill, but deep enough to break a bone or not be able to get out, as well as something none of them could name just yet. And if two people come in there as a pair, and if they were to, say, fall, then the third person can't even go there to save them. That'd be breaking the rules.

They had one chance at this. One of them had to survive having one chance on this deathly obstacle course twice. And if they didn't make it through, two people would die, and whoever was on the other side is the only one who will make it out alive. That can already be considered a good outcome, if they go even as far as getting one person to that side.

Todoroki had never felt his heart beat so fast, nor had he felt so short of breath without even running. Worst part is, it wasn't even physical—he couldn't stop it, no matter how hard he tried.

"Who's going to go first?" Todoroki asked, glaring at the old man.

"Me and you, obviously." The man replied, grabbing Todoroki by the elbow and pulling him towards the obstacle course, rope in his other hand. "You. Tie us up. Do it tightly so that it'll hold, but not enough for us to not be able to get out. Think you can do it?" The man snapped, the question being more rhetorical than anything. The woman nodded and rushed after them, and she quickly and swiftly tied them up. She looked like she worked in the water, considering her weird, glassy eyes that seemed to move together aimlessly around.

They were finally tied about 2 minutes later, and the timer had already gone down to 15 minutes out of the 20 they had before. The two men walked up to the obstacle course, back to back and walking sideways, and now they were standing awkwardly, unsure how to proceed even with the first obstacle they faced.

It was a thin wooden plank. How in the world were they supposed to get through that together?!

"What are we supposed to do here?" Todoroki asked, secretly hoping the man wouldn't just jump into action with him tied up to the hero.

"Maybe there's a loophole we don't know about. Try to think of something, both of you!" The man once again snapped out an order, much like an army general. Todoroki would've rolled his eyes if he didn't understand the importance of it, and so, he occupied his mind with his thoughts as he tried to think of any flaw of the rules that had been stated.

"In this obstacle course, you have a limit of 20 minutes for all of you to get through. However, you must be passing through this obstacle course in pairs of two, tied up to each other by at least two hands. If there is an odd number of players, one player is allowed to pass back through the course without a pair, but to get to the finish line, they have to bind themselves up with the odd number player and return to the finish line according to the rules."

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