Chapter 15

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Some of the heroes stood behind in the hallway, preparing for a possible escape of the evil doctor that was supposed to be in the abandoned part of the hospital at the time.

Hound Dog sniffed and growled as his head snapped towards the foot behind him, and a short man looked up at him in terror, his eyes covered by strange looking round glasses with a metal frame and green lenses.

Suddenly, the stubby man began to run, panting as he tried to run quickly despite his short legs and old age, but Hound Dog, despite being taken aback by the sudden action, reached him in a matter of seconds and grabbed him by the collar as he pulled him upwards.

"Doctor...You're the one we've been searching for, you hellish minion." The Doctor stared at Hound Dog in terror as he tried to struggle against the hero's grip.

"You got him!" Mr. Brave slightly cheered, sounding more relieve than happy as he rushed up towards Hound Dog along with the two other heroes who had been patrolling the halls.

"Manual, go check the room from which he came from. He may have set something up, so-"

"Yes, I get it, on it." Manual quickly excused himself, a firm look on his face as he rushed up towards the door and opened it, and was about to rush in when he stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes wide as he stared at the sigh in front of him.

"Manual?" Hound Dog barked as the doctor stilled. Manual stood there for another few seconds as his mouth twitched, before his face turned into a grimace full of fear and shock as he ran into the room quickly. Mr. Brave and Slugger hurried after the hero, stopping just like Manual at the entangle as their expressions shifted into fear and shock.

"What's going-?!"

"It's Midoriya!" Mr. Brave called towards Hound Dog, whose eyes widened at the familiar name. Midoriya Izuku, who had been missing over three months, was in that room?!

"What did you do to him?!" Hound Dog snarled at Doctor, who glared at the hero.

"I did what needed to be done, with a little help of course. I am not saying anything else." With that, Doctor shut his mouth tightly, his lips in a thin line as he refused to listen to the barking hero who was starting to shake him violently in his arms.

Meanwhile, Manual tried his best to untie Midoriya, who was taped to a chair by duct tape. Manual ignored the fact that duct tape wasn't supposed to be strong enough to hold back a strength enhancing quirk, but he quickly realized that with the state Midoriya was in, even if he wasn't tied, he wouldn't have gone anywhere.

Midoriya was unconscious, some scars on his face, a visible one on his jaw that seemed as if his skin there had been ripped off, revealing a white patternless spot on the bottom of his chin, and more scars littered across his face. His skin was pale and he had bags under his eyes, and as Manual got to releasing the boy's second hand, his eyes caught a glimpse of red from beneath what seemed to be fresh bandages.

A spot of red.

Manual quickly unwrapped the bandages and looked at the small red point on the boy's skin.

One that was similar to one of a needle.

Manual cursed under his breath as he quickly checked Midoriya's pulse, letting a small sigh of relief as he felt a weak, but seemingly normal pulse, before starting to untie the boy again, biting his lip harshly as he tried to be careful with the weak boy who slumped as his body untied.

"Mr. Brave, can you take him for me? I'll go tell Endeavor about whom we found." Manual called out as he picked up the boy, handing him to Mr. Brave who was now standing beside him. The two heroes nodded at each other, and Manual sprinted through the door where Endeavor and a few other heroes had gone through.

Hopefully they weren't too late...


Midoriya, despite trying to convince himself to do otherwise, began struggling against sleep that slowly made him lose consciousnesses.

He heard the sound of voices, and slowly, he felt the...Whatever was covering his arms go away, chasing Midoriya's hands and legs to go limp and finally relax completely.


Midoriya squeezed his eyes tightly as he tried to fight against the sleep, gasping as he felt himself getting picked up, his eyes flutter in open for a second before closing with even more exhaustion. 

Whatever was happening, he just hoped that his comrades would be fine...


Something was off.

Tomura couldn't help but feel uneasy as he shifted in his seat for what seemed like the hundredth time. Midoriya had told them that he was going to go meet with Doctor to confirm that everything was ready for the upcoming war, and despite not much time passing, he was growing aggravated wit every passing second.

"Yo, Shiggy." Dabi called out. Tomura gritted his teeth in annoyance and turned towards Dabi, a scowl on his face from the nickname.

"What?" He snapped.

"You've been tense for the past 10 minutes. What's up with that?" Dabi asked as he turned off his phone and put it down in his lap. Tomura's eyes narrowed in suspicion, and he rolled his eyes as he tried to relax, leaning against his seat. 

"It's nothing." Dabi frowned at him and leaned forward, trying to look Tomura in the eyes, who unsuccessfully avoided his gaze.

"Nah, it's gotta be something. Spill." Tomura's annoyed mood fell as he let out a tired sigh and leaned against the back of the couch.

"I got a feeling that something's off. You know, just some random gut feeling, but I can't help it." Tomura grunted. Surprisingly, Dabi let out what seemed to be a considering hum as he slightly narrowed his eyes in concentration.

"We can call Midoriya if you want." Dabi offered.

"Let's call Doctor first. He wouldn't try and curse us over for interrupting their meeting." Tomura grunted as he took out his phone and leaned forward, ready to press the dynamic button as soon as he started the call. The two listened to the buzz of the call.

The call ended a few seconds later and the two males listened to the short beeps due to no one answering.

"What the fu..." Dabi mumbled, his voice trailing off as the two eyed the phone in suspicion. Something was off. Something was terribly off...

"Get the army ready." Tomura snapped loudly, alerting the rest of the league in the room.

"Something is about to go down."

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