Chapter 1

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Midoriya whooped as he dodged another debris aimed at him, before laughing as he dodged another one, quickly managing to read the hero's movements.

"Come on, Sugar Man! You're going to have to try harder than that!" Midoriya teased as he dodged another one of the many attacks. Sato growled and aimed another attack at Midoriya, although Midoriya turned on his quirk and grabbed the debris, throwing it back at the hero instead. Sato yelped as the debris collided with him, and he crashed to the ground, slowly lifting the rock off himself as he tried to go after the villain.

"Toga, Compress, we gotta go!" Midoriya called out as he jumped from the damaged ground of the bank. Toga nodded and giggled as she ran up to Midoriya, grabbing him by the hand as Compress used his quirk on them, before taking of, running towards the window and jumping out of it before turning to the left, into the alley, running towards where he could see the portal was already open.

Finally, Compress reached the portal and jumped through, and immediately let out a sigh of relief as the angry yelling and the overly-loud police sirens stopped, the portal closing behind him as he entered the coziness of the League of Villain's apartment.

"Yo, Compress, you're hiding those suckers again? Fucking mama kangaroo, they're not kids anymore, they should learn how to run away on their own." Dabi teased as he turned towards Compress, sitting on the dark green couch they had moved from his and Toga's former apartment. Shigaraki turned towards them as well, a small smirk etched on his face as well as he watched Compress free the two villains, who cheered as they swung the bags with money around.

"I am not a kangaroo. I use marbles, not my stomach, you moron. And besides, this is quicker." Compress grunted as he shook his head, taking off his mask. He had revealed his face about 2 years since Midoriya joined, and Twice had as well, although he had to always wear a cap if not his mask.

"Yeah, it's lame Dabi. Cut it out." Shigaraki scoffed as he rolled his eyes, pretending he hadn't agreed with the joke seconds later. Dabi rolled his eyes and pressed his hand against Shigaraki's face, and activating his quirk, (without actually releasing any fire, but simply warming up his hand) sent Shigaraki yelling and falling off the couch, curses spilling out of his mouth.

Midoriya laughed as he watched the sight, one that he never got sick of. The sight of his family having fun, united, teasing and joking with one another. He couldn't have wished for a better life.

"Hey Dabs, guess what?" Toga directly asked Dabi jumping onto the couch before laying her head onto Dabi's lap, earning an annoyed 'tch' from the scarred male.

"What?" He ask, evidently pretending to be annoyed.

"Izuku was teasing one of his former classmates! The bulky one, remember? The one who swallows that powder. Probably Drugman or something like that." Toga giggled as she poked Dabi's stitches, receiving an irritated snap of the head away from her touch.

"It's Sugarman, Toga. And he obviously swallows sugar." Midoriya corrected her with a sigh, all those years of analyzing heroes and remembering all their quirks and names kicking in and making his skin tingle from the incorrect information. Toga simply rolled her eyes.

"Really now? Poor heroes." Dabi stated sarcastically, once again rolling his eyes. Toga giggled in response and swung her feet off the couch, ignoring the yelp as she accidentally stepped on Shigaraki's leg (who was still recovering from the burn on the ground), before turning around and humming as she walked towards one of the bedrooms, which they have labeled her own, her being the only girl in the League of Villains.

The League of Villains have stopped searching for new recruits ever since...Well, before they could really start, to be perfectly honest. Ever since the failed war, the League of Villains because a small-time villain organization, that at maximum robs banks and causes a fuss in some of the stores in the mall, mostly for fun than out of need. 

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