Chapter 14

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Bakugo tried not to give away just how shocked he was when he entered the old run down building that looked...pretty damn normal, if not a little rotten. Shigaraki led him up the stairs to the 7th floor and turned right, taking out the keys from his pants pockets and unlocking the apartment. He turned once before stopping.

"Listen." Shigaraki grunted, turning around and leaning against the door. If Bakugo wouldn't have known better, he would've said it was in a protective way. But then, maybe he didn't know better. Who knows what's going on in that sociopath's head? "You do something off, I'm not going to question you. You'll be gone before you realize, got it?"

"I get it." Bakugo declared firmly, gaze hard. Shigaraki nodded slightly, as if not believing it for a second, before turning again and turning the key once again. The door opened, and for a second, it was silent.

A man walked into the hallway, slightly surprised at seeing the hero but quickly regaining composure. He walked up to him and reached forward, outstretching his hand in a greeting manner. Didn't stop Bakugo from tensing, though, even as he reached out and shook his hand. Reasonable, considering what the man told him afterwards.

"Hello, Bakugo. I believe you may remember me as Compress."

"Sure do, Marbles. How can I forget?" Bakugo snarled in realization, glaring and gripping the man's hand a little firmer, threateningly. Obviously, it didn't work the way Bakugo wanted, but Compress nodded subtly nonetheless, taking the hint.

"Come on, get in." Shigaraki snapped, shoving Bakugo slightly as he himself entered, quickly taking off his shoes and stomping into the living room. Bakugo let out a small 'tch' of disapproval before stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He took off his shoes and went deeper into the apartment, already feeling the eerie aura despite the more or less cold, expected demeanor towards him.

"Welcome, Bakugo. I must admit, I'm surprised you agreed to our terms." It was Kurogiri who spoke. The mist man was standing in the middle of the room, beside the table which was in front of the couch, and two more people sat at the couch itself. All heads turned towards the hero, all wary. Bakugo knew he could take care of them if he needed to, but with how much space there was and the possibility that there may be others in the building was nerve-wracking. He didn't even want to think about the fact that he himself was probably going to get crushed if he tried to use his quirk in such a small setting.

He wasn't claustrophobic, but he might as well be now. Bakugo clenched his fists in his hoodie, glaring at them all in warning that seemed to be taken lightly. Bakugo felt even more annoyed.

"This was a shitty idea. I don't get why you would actually let me in here." Bakugo stated, turning towards Kurogiri. Out of all of them, as much as he hated admitting it, he was closest to being a normal civilized person.

"I think you might know the answer. However, you do understand that we will monitor everything you're doing, right?" He responded calmly, without any taunt or annoyance in his voice, so Bakugo did his best not to respond violently. So far, Kurogiri at least, didn't seem to be showing any signs of aggression towards him. Even if the other people in the room were glaring at him profusely.

"Yeah. About that. Someone else might also be doing just that."

"What?" It was Dabi this time, rising from the couch that he had been sitting on prior. Bakugo turned towards him, glare in place. There was no smugness in his look, which Dabi would've appreciated if not for the context of what Bakugo had said.

"The detective knows. He's caught on about this already, so he's probably keeping watch." Bakugo turned towards Shigaraki, before turning towards the window behind him and walking towards it. "However, he's keeping quiet. I don't know why, but apparently, he wants something. For all I know, it could be your location."

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