Chapter 30

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Bakugo lunged at the villain before he could process anything, and just as All for One began to activate his quirk, still startled from the previous statements. He grabbed him and wrapped his arms around him from behind, making sure to restrain him fully, binding his arms.

Midoriya's quirk sparked around him, and Bakugo grit his teeth in pain, but this was nothing, this wasn't painful. He could, and he would, endure it with ease, and he was going to keep him restrained until Midoriya finally got his shit together and progressed with the plan. 

He was ready to die, if that's how long it took him. And yet, he knew Midoriya wasn't like that. Even as a villain, he wouldn't let people die in vain if he could help it, and as much as Midoriya most likely didn't mean to inflate his ego, Bakugo knew he would definitely not let Bakugo die. There had to be a reason he entrusted this mission to Bakugo, and that's because he was amazing. That standard had to be upheld, though.

And so, he clung onto the villain, until...

His body went slack, as if fainting for a moment, before he began shifting around, trying to regain his senses. The mission had finally begun.

Finally, it was Midoriya's turn to finish the villain off.


"Izuku. Oh my, I surely didn't expect this encounter." All for One looked at Izuku with a smile, looking genuinely happy to see his son.

"I did, though. And you're not getting out of here until I do what I brought you here for." Midoriya replied calmly, but coldly, clearly setting the border between them. After all that shit he had spewed about Midoriya being his son, he wanted to make it clear there won't be any sad reunion between father and son. Like hell he was going to let himself be manipulated again.

"Surprise me, what's that supposed to be?" The teasing tone made Midoriya want to put him in place. Was this bastard not taking Midoriya seriously, or did he genuinely believe he would be able to turn the table again?

"You know that already." All for One chuckled almost sadly, his original form simply smiling at him in a grin, nothing else giving Midoriya a clue to understand if he was being sad, sarcastic, or genuinely happy. His eyeless face gave nothing but his smile away.

"I believe I do. However, I don't think you'll simply...I mean, don't you want answers?" All for One didn't stutter, but instead, made it sound like he was trying to rephrase the statement to make it sound more understandable. As if he was talking to a child.

"Quit talking to me like that. I'm not willing to listen to you anymore."

"Don't you want to know why your mother chose m–?"

"No. I couldn't care less about you. Mom's here, with me, and it's been like that for as far as I can remember."

"Is she, really?" Midoriya glared at him, gritting his teeth. What was that supposed to mean?

"Again with your mind tricks."

"It's not a mind trick, it's the truth. When was the last time you'd seen her? Is she really by your side if you haven't talked to her for such a long time?" Midoriya's glare hardened.

He hadn't talked to her in a while, yeah. But he had sent her letters, put them under her door to make sure he wouldn't be able to be traced while making sure to tell her he was fine. That he was sorry. He had written so many apologetic letters, and all of them made him feel even more guilty the more he wrote them. But All for One didn't need to know that.

"At least she knows that I'm her son and that I love her. You, on the other hand, simply left her. No, no, scratch that—you lied to her all this time. She would've never fallen in love with a fucking grandpa like you, freak." Midoriya snarled at him harshly, doing his best to show him just how unwilling he was to listen to him and what that old bastard had to say.

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