Chapter 7

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"He has a fever..." Toga murmured quietly as she took the thermometer from under Midoriya's armpit, showing it to the guys behind her. 39.6 celsius. Compress grunted something under his breath, shaking his head, and Kurogiri walked up to Midoriya with a cold towel in his hand. He placed it gently on the man's forehead, and Midoriya just barely flinched, shuddering slightly. "Should we wake him up?"

"Can we?" Compress couldn't help but grunt out, poking Midoriya slightly harshly, but not in a violent way. Midoriya flinched but didn't wake up, not even shifting afterwards.

"Even if we manage to wake him up, he will go back to sleep in no time. He's obviously feeling unwell, and if there is even the slightest chance he will get some rest during this, we have to let him." Toga took a deep breath and shook her head.

"This is awful...Izuku doesn't deserve this. He's the best...!" Toga sniffed quietly. She felt awful being so vulnerable and emotionally unstable, but she couldn't help it. Twice wrapped an arm around her waist.

"It'll be alright. I'm sure we'll find a way out." Twice tried to reason. However, they all knew that even he was unsure. They were all unsure. And it was...terrifying, to say the least.

"Gh...Ha." Midoriya shifted on the spot, flinching and shuddering.

They all turned towards him, surprised.

"Izuku?" Toga called out, nudging him nervously by his shoulder. She shook him harder when he didn't respond, and his eyes slightly opened. "Izuku!"


"Old?" Compress kneeled down as well, all of them listening in to what Midoriya was trying to say.


"Cold!" Toga offered anxiously. "Maybe we shouldn't put the cold towels on him?!"

"I suppose we can put them aside for now." Kurogiri stated, putting away the damp towel. The League stared at him intently, trying to read into any move made by the greenette as Midoriya slightly squirmed, his eyes rolling back every time he tried to open them. He grunted out what seemed like a slurred curse, before falling limp again, however he seemed to stay awake.

"Not...Long." Midoriya managed out, his voice raspy and a whisper. Kurogiri noticed and teleported his hand into the kitchen and started to pour water into a cup, noticing the dryness in his voice. "He's...Here."

"He's close to taking over, isn't he? Does sleeping quicken the process?" Compress quickly asked, seeming to be one of the two (Kurogiri being the second) who was trying to be rational. Toga nodded anxiously, understanding the situation as all of them waited eagerly for an answer, Midoriya's mouth opening and closing as he tried to form a response.

"Yeah. Uh...dunno." Midoriya answered. Compress nodded and Kurogiri reached the glass to Midoriya, who simply glanced at it before Kurogiri used his hand to pull him into a sitting position, pressing the cup against his lips.

"'s embarra..."

"This is more important than pride." Kurogiri quickly responded, pressing the glass more firmly. "Drink. It might help a little." Midoriya glanced at the water insinuatingly before tilting his head and Kurogiri tilted the glass, Midoriya drinking and holding back from choking at the sudden feeling of water dampening his dry throat.

He nodded thank you afterwards. He seemed more awake, but his eyes were still half-lidded and blurry.

"Are you hungry?" Toga asked quietly. "We have a bit more pizza left."


"You have to eat." It was Compress this time, already walking towards the kitchen. "You're pretty much sick, right? If you are, you can't exactly feel hunger. You still need to eat, though." Midoriya scoffed in annoyance, but it was half-hearted as he closed his eyes, Kurogiri setting him down again. He shifted slightly, trying to lay down in a more comfortable position, before the sound of the microwave beeping snapped him out of his half-asleep trance.

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