Chapter 15

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"Soooo...How was it?!" Toga tried to keep her excitement to herself, but it obviously wasn't working because she was near crushing his shoulders.

"I'll tell you as soon as you let me go, Toga..." Midoriya smiled awkwardly. He felt his shoulders get released and sighed.

"Spill it." Dabi smiled at Midoriya. Midoriya smiled back: it was a pain for Dabi to smile too much because of his scars, and for Midoriya to be an exception was amazing.

"Well...The people there are nice. Except Kacchan, he's in my class." Midoriya immediately saw Toga and Dabi roll their eyes at that, and Shigaraki glanced at them, seeming to realize quickly what it could mean.

"Well then, tiger, show him what you're made of, eh? A weak person turning strong should be a kick in the knees for him." Shigaraki shrugged and smiled at Midoriya. Wasn't a sweet smile, but, the best Midoriya could get.

"Yeah...I already beat him at the 50 meter dash race. I mean, I probably beat him in other tests too, but we raced together on that one."

"Huh? A test? Isn't it the first day? You're supposed to be having some sort of a welcome party or something, aren't you?" Toga wondered.

"Well, got lucky with the teachers. Oh! About him!" Midoriya took his hero analysis for the future notebook, and despite having everything memorized he reread it from the notebook.

"Erasure Hero; Eraserhead. He can cancel our quirks with just one glance. When he blinks the effect is off, and the person can use his quirk again. He can always look back at them again in some small range of time, but the less he blinks the more he will need to blink later, so he's a short time fighter. Fights at night, obviously hates attention. He also has a binding cloth on his neck, it's made out of flexible material but it's strong, and can hold back even someone like Kacchan when used correctly. I've actually seen him use it." Midoriya closed his notebook.

"Mr. Aizawa for me though." He added.

"Huh. He's bad news. Good thing he's a short time fighter though: in case we face him he shouldn't be a problem." Shigaraki smirked at that thought and placed his chin on his hand as his eyes looked away, drifting off into whatever devious fantasy he was having.

It took Midoriya too long to understand what he meant, and he couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine, quickly shaking it off as he tried to calm down.


School went on and on. The sports festival was a total win: first place for Midoriya. Poor Bakugo would've refused to take 1st place anyway because Todoroki was against using his fire quirk: he used it against Midoriya in the match before, but Bakugo didn't get to see that side of him. Midoriya informed all the news to the league, but they didn't seem to make any step towards their goal.

"Um, Shigaraki?" Midoriya came up to Shigaraki, who was sitting on his regular bar stool.

"Hm?" Shigaraki asked, uninterested as always.

"The summer camp...I have to go there so I won't be able to keep watch on All Might. Is that alright?" Shigaraki looked at Midoriya.

"That's not that good of news. But I guess that's gotta happen." Midoriya smiled at him and was about to walk away when he felt his clothes get pinched. He turned around and saw Shigaraki being the one holding him.

"Um...Yes?" Midoriya managed. Shigaraki continue holding him, staring at him through his hand.

"...Never mind." Shigaraki let go of Midoriya and Midoriya quickly made his way back to Twice, who was the new member of the league of villains after the fight with Stain.

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