Chapter 5

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Midoriya nervously rubbed the back of his neck as he walked up to the two twin looking friends who were chatting energetically while eating lunch at Class 1B's table.

"Hey, Kirishima, Tetsutetsu!" Midoriya greeted as he looked at the two who stopped talking, turning towards the nervous boy beside them.

"Midoriya! I remember you, from the sports festival! How's it going, man?" Tetsutetsu greeted loudly as he grinned wildly at Midoriya.

"Hey...! I, um..." Midoriya felt his anxiety kick in as he felt his nails dig into his nape. He felt his villain-made confidence fade, turning into the shy hero in training that the heroes and his classmates all knew.

"I wanted to ask about the internships...I was wondering if I could, you know, join you two for your internship...? I wanted to go with my friends, go through the training together and everything...And you two seemed to be the best candidates when it comes to determination and manliness..." Midoriya's voice slowly faded as he nervously fidgeted on the spot.

That was way too corny...! Oh shit, what if they don't agree? The whole plan will fall apart! What will I do then?! Oh god, Shigaraki will definitely tear me limb by limb then...!

"Sure thing man! Thanks for the compliment! Getting called manly bu someone else...Really, thanks bro!" Kirishima exclaimed as he pulled Midoriya to them by his hand and switching seats, forcing Midoriya into the seat between the two hardening quirk boys as they wrapped his hand around him. 

"Yeah, man! It's really touching that someone else sees us as someone determined and stuff!" Tetsutetsu agreed, also wrapping his arm around Midoriya. Midoriya laughed nervously as he felt a small smile form on his lips.

This is going way easier than planned...


The internships finally started, and as the two hardening boys and the shy green hair, they were chattering away excitedly as they walked out of the train station after a 2 hour ride.

"I'm so glad to get to go on internships again! I missed Fatgum!" Kirishima cheered as he smiled, showing off his spiky teeth that Midoriya couldn't help but theorize would intimidating if used appropriately.

"I'm glad to meet someone whom you find awesome! Maybe I'll stick with you for the other internships we may have in the future too if I like it here this time." Tetsutetsu stated as he put an arm around Midoriya, who was, once again, in the middle of the two boys and stuck to them with their hands over both his shoulders. Midoriya obviously felt uncomfortable, but the thought that he was going to leave those two over-loud boys and go meet Gigantomachia forced him to smile as he laughed nervously.

"What?" The league of villains rose their eyebrows at Midoriya, and Midoriya took a deep breath.

"Really though, it's a good plan in my opinion!" Midoriya exclaimed, waving his hands in the air in front of him shyly, as if suddenly self-conscious because of his plan.

"I agree with Midoriya. And besides, it does follow our goal on weakening the trust in UA and the quality of heroes." Kurogiri stated, seeming to look more at Tomura than anyone else. Tomura let out a sigh, or a groan, or maybe a mix of both as he took the hand off his face.

"If this isn't going to work, I'll kill you."

Midoriya took a deep breath as he felt goosebumps cover his skin at the way Tomura glared at him, even more intimidating with his hand mask off.

The plan was simple...But not really.

Midoriya chose a place close to the Gigantomachia's hideout, and he would've chose Endeavor's agency, but he couldn't risk it. Endeavor may be easy and pissed most of the time, but when he could think clearly, Midoriya knew that he might ruin their plan.

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