Chapter 4

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This time, Midoriya woke up earlier, and without screaming. He would've said he got used to it, however, that was definitely not the case.

This 'dream' was also about All for One, and he spoke to him once again. However, the message was short, even if equally menacing.

"My time will come. Soon. Soon, chaos will rise again, and history will repeat itself."

"You will represent me. And then, we will rise again."

Midoriya couldn't say anything in between, too shocked and too tired to do so. Even now, as he tried to prevent himself from falling asleep again and seeing another one of those dreams, he felt the fear linger in his tiredness.

Although, he couldn't stop his eyes rolling back exhaustedly, and leaning back onto his pillow.

Closing his eyes, he silently hoped for the best...


He woke up with a start, eyes opening wide as he gasped.

"Izuku?" He snapped his head towards Toga, who was sitting beside him, worryingly looking at him as she tried to read him. "Did you have that dream again?"

"I did. But..." Midoriya rubbed his temple as he tried to recall any other dream he had after falling asleep.

Although, he was pleasantly surprised when he realized he had fallen asleep the second time without his dreams being invaded.

"He let me go the second time. I actually slept afterwards." He let out a relieved sigh, feeling his headache finally ease. His head was still hurting, but it felt much better now, only a small ache somewhere in the back of his head. However, compared to the headache he had before, this was basically nothing.

"I'm glad." Toga stated, her soft smile turning slowly into an annoyed one. "You freaked us all out to no end, idiot. You're in charge of crusty now." She stated, huffing in annoyance. She then turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her a bit too loudly, and Midoriya blinked in slight surprise and growing irritation. Not that he could truly feel annoyed at someone as genuinely concerned as Toga, but he was truly startled by her quick change of attitude.

At least she's back to normal. Midoriya excused, letting out a small huff of his own as he stood up, hearing his joints pop all over the place. He then let out a sigh of relief and walked out of his room, sincerely hoping that the League hadn't changed as much as it could've under All for One's influence.

However, his spirits lowered as he took in the sight in front of him.

Toga and Twice were more or less fine, sitting and chatting quietly in the corner behind the table. Compress seemed to be trying his best to focus on a random task, but seemed to not be as interested in whatever manga Twice had offered him a few days back. He couldn't really read Kurogiri, who was cleaning, but he assumed he was busying himself with something and was also doing his best to get his mind off All for One.

However, there were also Dabi and Shigaraki.

Dabi was sulking, glaring at the wall in front of him as he gripped his cup of most likely already cold coffee. His glare was intense, his eyes narrowed even more than they usually were because of his scars and stitches, and he was picking at one of his stitches. Midoriya could've sworn he saw a glint of blood from the place he was picking from, and he shuddered.

He was about to call him out on that and tell him to stop doing that, but he suddenly glanced at Shigaraki, and his concern shifted.

Shigaraki was also sulking, however, he could've sworn he saw that look somewhere on his face before. He looked...beyond devastated. He looked exactly like he had when he realized he had betrayed the man most caring of him.

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