Chapter 21

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Bakugo knew he had to fight. He knew he had to do something, at least try to come up with something to say that would snap Midoriya back, just like they did in the movies. Some magical words that would inspire the greenette to fight against the villain's dominance, something that would save them.

He didn't. It's not that he didn't care—no, far from it. He cared. He cared a lot. That's why he couldn't say anything. He couldn't say anything, because if he so much as tried, he knew all that would come out are sobs and cries, and he already felt weak enough under the sharp emerald gaze.

All for One pat his head after he had untied him, and there was no wariness, no preparation for an attack in his gesture. All for One didn't feel like he was in danger. That would've pissed Bakugo off if he was any stronger to contradict that.

"Thank you for listening, Bakugo. You were a great companion." All for One's hand slowly pulled away from Bakugo's head. "Please, if you have a moment, tell All Might that he should not try to get in the way. I believe he deserves a peaceful life, or whatever's left of it."

All for One walked away, and Bakugo stood there, in some alleyway, under the rain. Should he go home? Bakugo turned that way. Maybe he should leave. Leave until it's too late. Or should he fight for his quirk? That thought suddenly seemed far away, just as far away as his quirk.

Goddammit. Even his thoughts felt half-hearted. Not that he cared.

He sobbed quietly to himself as he pulled down his hood, walking slowly to his apartment. Not that he was in a hurry. He wasn't going anywhere soon, if he was even going to bother going anywhere.


"Any new news?" All Might asked, leaning back against his chair as Tsukauchi sipped on his coffee, going through paperwork.

"Well...I'm troubled by something. Something came up a few hours ago, about two actually." Tsukauchi muttered, rubbing his temple as he sat down his coffee and paperwork. All Might was lucky to have this ability on people—the right timing, right formation of words, and people spilled their sorrows to him.

"What is it?" All Might tried to hold back his guilt at trying to get information out of his good pal. He needed this. It wasn't because he had to give intel to the villains, hell, the only one who threatened him was Shigaraki (and his threat was nullified once Kurogiri apologized to him a few minutes later). It was because they had to catch that villain.

"Bakugo didn't come to work today." Tsukauchi looked straight up at All Might as he said so, some intense worry in his eyes that had All Might gulping nervously. "No one saw him at home either. Kirishima went to check in, but..." Tsukauchi glared down at his coffee, averting his eyes from the shocked blond.

"No signs of him. We don't have the right to enter his apartment yet, so I can't even check if he has been home or not, but I'm pretty sure he hasn't." All Might gulped heavily.

"I...Why do you think that is?" All Might questioned, feeling his concern rise. Bakugo wasn't one to disappear out of nowhere. As stubborn and self-concentrated as he was, he wouldn't dare just disappear without saying anything.

"I didn't tell you, did I...?" Tsukauchi muttered, a hand clasping over his mouth as he frowned, trying to recall whether or not he told All Might about Bakugo.

"What didn't you tell me?" Tsukauchi let out a heavy sigh. As much as he didn't want to get All Might involved any further than he had already (possibly even somewhat illegally), he knew that this case wasn't closely tied to All Might. This case was practically about him.

And so, he told him everything. About Bakugo agreeing to side with the villains. About how he would be charged with treason should anyone find out. He told him everything.

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