Chapter 15

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"Alright. Let me make this clear: you're not planning on working alongside them after all?"

"Yes." Tsukauchi activated his quirk. He wasn't lying.

Alright. He thought, leaning back in his chair. He couldn't let himself be relieved yet, though

"So...You were acting when you aided the League of Villains?"

"No." Once again, that was the truth. He questioned him further, because he knew that he was simply asking questions that would give him a response he could check with his quirk. The dots will connect, eventually.

"You changed your mind, then?"

"I wasn't thinking clearly, but I have no intention of helping the League of Villains. Back then, it was a case of helping Bakugo, not the League." Tsukauchi nodded. That felt reasonable, but he wasn't one not to doubt someone's word just because it sounded right.

"I see. Then..." Tsukauchi rubbed the back of his head, trying to think of the right way to say what he wanted. "I'm not reporting you, any of you, at least for now. However, I wouldn't mind some aid, in order for us to be able to avoid...Difficulties, in the future, if you understand where I'm coming from."

The hero before him nodded. Of course he understood. It took him so much effort, so much pain, to get where he was now, and he wasn't about to let it all go down the drain. However, he wasn't going to stay out of it completely either, but he knew that was taken care of.

"I'll do everything I can." The hero answered firmly, and Tsukauchi knew he understood. He nodded.


"It smells like shit here! Ho-ho, I can feel the air around me!"

"Shut the fuck up, freak."

"R-right! You shut the fuck up!" Bakugo clicked his tongue and turned away, praying that they hadn't attracted any attention. He hadn't considered the villain's double personality would act up so much and possibly become such a nuisance. He rubbed his nose, feeling the dampness of the Vicks VapoRub and inhaling again, feeling the stiffness of the air but not smelling anything. Thank fuck. He had no idea how people could willingly come to a place with such a stench.

"Look around. Maybe you'll see someone guarding something. They're usually pretty damn uptight, so you'll notice them if you look hard enough." Bakugo said, leaning towards Twice so that he could hear him without anyone else listening. Twice gave him thumbs up and Bakugo rolled his eyes, feeling as if he was forced to mentor a rookie. He'd never sign up for the job if not for the circumstances.

Bakugo scanned the area, the many people at the underground bar loud and having fun and most likely about to collapse once the drug overwhelms them and they run out of adrenaline. Was there anyone who wasn't dancing? Who looked stable? Was there anyone so stressed, they were looking around as harshly as Bakugo was?

No one like that appeared in his line of sight, and in a way, it started to make sense. Who would believe a teenager, even if they are acting a lot like All for One and speaking like him, so maybe he didn't have any associates. Then that would be bad for them, terrible for them. How are they supposed to find Toga if she wasn't even being guarded, with nothing to attract anyone's eyes towards her?

"Fuck. I don't think she's here."

"We haven't looked thoroughly though!" Twice glared at him harshly, confident personality taking reign.

"What's the point? She's not here. It was a stupid idea. I'll give you other locations, but this isn't the one. Fuck, I don't even think she'll be in any of those locations I'll give you." Bakugo shook his head to himself, grabbing the villain's sleeve and pulling him after himself towards the exit. Twice snatched his wrist away, but Bakugo kept moving, and soon, Twice was by his side.

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