Chapter 54

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After classes, Mia went straight to the library. Since James wasn't there yet, she stopped at the entrance to wait for him, tapping her foot impatiently.

About ten minutes later, she spotted his figure in the distance, walking towards her.

"Hey," he greeted her casually when he was close enough for her to hear.

Mia stared up at him with a frown. "Took you long enough. Let's go."

Turning on her heels, she entered the library, not bothering to look back to see if the Gryffindor was following her or not.

James furrowed his eyebrows, then started walking after her, wondering why she could be acting the way she was.

There weren't a lot of students in the library yet, which made Mia feel a tiny bit better. She always liked being in there when it was deserted, it made her feel calm and at peace.

"Where to?" James stepped next to her, his voice quiet.

"I have to write an essay for Arithmancy, so I need to find some books for that," Mia answered.

"Got it," he nodded.

A few seconds later, Mia entered an aisle that James has never visited before. While she was searching, he decided to walk around aimlessly and read some of their spines.

"If you see a book titled Notable Numerologists, please let me know," Mia mumbled.

"Sure thing," he nodded lazily.

As he was looking around, he spotted an old-looking, grey book at the top of the shelf she was standing in front of.

"Oh, I think it's that one," he said before walking up behind her. Reaching up, he grabbed the book with his right hand, then lowered it down for her to see. "Here," he whispered, looking down at her face from over her shoulder.

Mia gulped as she took the book from him. "Yeah, it is... Thanks..."

Smiling softly, James leaned against the shelf with one shoulder. "When is this essay due?"

"A week from now," she answered.

His eyes widened. "And you're already working on it?"

She gave him a confused look. "Yes?"

"Wow... Couldn't be me. I usually procrastinate with essays. And just homework in general," he shrugged.

"Well," Mia straightened her posture, "in my opinion, it's always better to just get these things over with. You know, get them done and off your mind, so you can do other things."

"Right... about that..." James started scratching the back of his neck. "You've heard about the Ball, right?"

"Yes!" She blurted out, surprising him. Clearing her throat quickly, she looked down at the book she was holding in her hands. "Of course I've heard about it, I mean, it's basically taken over the whole school now. Why do you ask?"

"I was just... wondering..." He crossed his arms across his chest slowly.

"About?" Mia glanced back up at him.

"You know... if you have anyone to go with yet... 'Cause like, I know that some people are going with friends, so I was wondering if you're going with Jace or Daisy, or that Ravenclaw friend of yours –"

"Sage?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, her," James nodded.

Mia shook her head. "No, Sage wants to go with Nathan, and as for Jason and Daisy, I haven't talked to them about the Ball yet... What about you?"

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