Chapter 1

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1st year

After arriving back to their mansion from the shopping trip, the brunette girl made her way up the stairs to her bedroom.

Closing the door after herself, she let out a sigh, then clapped her hands together.

"Okay, let's see..."

She grabbed her little notebook and opened it on a specific page.



- Read every single book in our library

- Learn how to knit

- Be better than my twin brother 

- Receive my Hogwarts letter 

- Buy everything I need for my first year 

- Arrive at Hogwarts

- Get sorted into Slytherin

- Use any means to achieve my ends


She closed the notebook with a smile, then she laid down on her bed.

It was finally happening. Just a few days, and the emerald and silver tie would be around her neck.

She wasn't completely sure about what it takes for someone to get sorted into Slytherin, but she was sure about one thing. She was ambitious, and ambition is a very important trait for Slytherins, or at least that's what she heard.

She had to make it, she just had to. That was the only way to get her father's attention.

"If only I was born with blonde hair, like Mason..."

She frowned, then got back up from her bed and headed towards her door.

After walking down the stairs, she went inside the living room, where she spotted her older brother, who was about to start his fourth year at Hogwarts soon.

"Hey, Arvin," she greeted him casually, taking a seat on one of the armchairs.

"Oh, hi," he gave her a warm smile. "What's up? Are you excited?"

"Of course," she nodded.

"I thought so," he chuckled lightly, running a hand through his blonde hair. "I was too."

"What is it like? Hogwarts, I mean."

"Better than you could ever imagine," he grinned, his dark brown eyes sparkling. "But you will see for yourself soon enough."

"Hm... Which house are you in again?"

Arvin let out a laugh at his little sister's question. "Hufflepuff."

"Oh... And what is that like?"

"It's the coolest house you could ever get sorted into. Everyone is so nice and helpful, very friendly people. Well, most of them are, anyway. If you ever need a helping hand, just search for a yellow tie, you won't be disappointed."

"To be honest, that sounds too good to be true," she crossed her arms over her chest.

"Trust me, you'll see."

"And what about the other houses? What are they like?"

"Well... there's Slytherin, which I know you already know about. There's also Ravenclaw for the smart and creative ones, then there's Gryffindor for –"

"The lame ones," another person appeared.

She turned towards the source of the voice and rolled her eyes at her twin brother.

"Oh, really?" She asked.

"Really. Dad told me it's the worst house full of stupid people."

"Sounds like it's the one for you," she commented.

"More like the one for you," Mason scoffed. "I can't wait for Dad to find out you got sorted in there. He will be so disappointed in you," he grinned.

"We'll see about that."

"Don't get your hopes up too much, sis. I'm telling you, you're totally Gryffindor material. I suggest you get used to wearing red."

"I will be wearing red, it's going to be your blood after I beat you up."

"See? You are violent as well, absolutely a Gryffindor."

"Mason, don't talk to your sister like this," Arvin scowled.

"How about you don't talk to your sister at all?" She suggested, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Don't worry, after we get sorted into different houses we won't be seeing each other that much," the blonde smirked.

"Whatever, just don't come running to me if you have a problem."

"Why would I when Arvin is going to be right there?"

"Okay, remember these words of yours, please. Only if you can, though. I know your brain is the size of a pea, well, even that's generous."

"Why don't you go back to the library, nerd?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Are you jealous about the fact that I'm smarter than you?"

"Yeah, right," Mason rolled his eyes, then the corners of his mouth turned upwards. "At least Dad loves me."

"Mason!" Arvin raised his voice at him, a warning look on his face.

She just gave her twin brother a weak smile and stood up from her seat.

"You can have all the love he has to offer. I don't need it."

She turned away from her siblings and started walking out of the living room.

"Aw, are you going to cry, sis? Maybe he'll pay attention to you one day. Or not. Probably not," she heard Mason's mocking voice.

When she reached the staircase, she felt a hand being wrapped around her wrist. Turning around, she noticed her older brother who had a light smile on his face.

"Don't listen to him, okay?"

She clenched her jaw, looking down.

"Come on," Arvin put her hand in his gently. "Let's go outside and enjoy the last days of summer while we still can."

"Fine," she mumbled quietly, making her brother grin.


The two of them walked outside and sat down in the grass, enjoying the light breeze.

"Remember," he spoke up again, breaking the silence. "If he ever decides to go and bother you, just come and find me, okay? In fact, if you have a problem with anything, just come to me. You don't have to deal with everything alone."

"Thanks, Arvin."

"There's no need to thank me. I'll always be here for you, but I can't help if I don't know that something's wrong. Don't let your mind eat you alive."

"I'll try..."

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