Chapter 49

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"And that," James leaned back in his chair confidently, "is how you make a perfect Memory Potion."

He was sitting at a table with Mia in a studying area inside the library, trying to prove that he wasn't, in fact, an airhead.

Mia smirked. "Surprisingly, you're correct. Perhaps you drank one yourself and that's why you remember."

"Nah, I'm just a genius," he grinned.

"Sure," she rolled her eyes. "Okay, how about... the Salem Witch Trials?"

James let out a quiet groan. "Are you really going to hit me with a History of Magic question?"

"I already did," Mia smiled evilly.

"If you want to hear about the History of Magic, I can tell you about my dad," he leaned on the table.

She scoffed. "All I'm hearing right now is that you can't answer my question."

James ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "Well... it involved a lot of trials and stuff... they executed a bunch of people, mostly women..."

"Wow, impressive," Mia said sarcastically. "I wouldn't have guessed that the Salem Witch Trials involved trials. Please, do tell me more."

He shot her a glare. "At least I have a general idea."

"Yeah, as general as an idea can be."

"Alright, how about we move on to the next one?" He suggested.

"Fine... What's your favourite subject?" She asked.

"Oh, easy. Defence Against the Dark Arts," he answered.

"Right," she supported her head on her intertwined hands. "I almost forgot that you're an Auror wannabe."

"Yes, and I'm not ashamed of that," he crossed his arms across his chest.

Mia smiled. "My grandfather was an Auror too."

James raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm... guessing that you're talking about your mom's dad?"

"Well, obviously," she rolled her eyes. "But now he works at the Institute of Muggle Studies. He seems to love muggles, don't ask me why."

"No way," James smiled. "Mine does too. He works at the Ministry, though."

"So will you, if you become an Auror," she pointed out.

"True, but I don't have a problem with that. Would you not want to work there?"

"I'm not sure yet," she shrugged. "With my skills, I could go anywhere."

"Whoa," James grinned. "Ever heard of being humble?"

"It's the truth," Mia said with her head held high.

"Well, what's your favourite subject?" He asked.

"Definitely Transfiguration," she answered. "I love everything about it."

"Huh... My other grandpa was an Animagus," James said casually.

Mia's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah," he straightened his posture, happy he said something that piqued her interest. "He was a stag if you're wondering."

"Interesting..." Mia knitted her eyebrows, thinking. "I checked the records while I was – well, I checked to see who all the registered Animagi were in the past, but I don't remember there being a Potter."

"Oh, that's probably because he was unregistered," James shrugged.

"Excuse me?" Mia scowled. "So he just decided to become an Animagus on his own?"

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