Chapter 4

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"I don't care what other people say, History of Magic is really interesting and one of the best classes that we have!"

The two first year Ravenclaw girls were walking around the castle with their hands full of books.

"I agree, but I couldn't really pay attention today, to be honest," Mia frowned.

"I figured, the dark circles under your eyes are pretty obvious," Sage said, trying to hide a smile.

"It's not funny," the brunette narrowed her eyes at her friend. "You wouldn't laugh if you knew what it's like to sleep outside."

"But I will never find that out for myself because I'm a lot smarter than you and I can actually solve riddles," she grinned.

"We'll see about that. Who came up with this anyway? It's just cruel. It makes me feel stupid too, when I know I'm not, I'm just bad at solving riddles."

"Come on, they're not that bad, you just have to think."

"I'm sorry in advance, but I'm going to laugh at you so hard if you ever get stuck outside."

"It's okay, because it's never going to happen," Sage said with her head help up.

"Please," Mia rolled her eyes. "We don't have Divination yet, but I see failure in your future."

"You must be looking at your own, then."

She shook her head, then the two of them started laughing.

When they reached a certain corridor, Mia's expression changed from happy to annoyed as she laid eyes on her twin brother and his friends.

She intended on passing them by quietly, but her sibling didn't let that happen.

"Hey, sis!"

The two girls stopped as the blonde boy stepped in front of them.

"What do you want, Mason?" She asked in a cold tone.

"I received a letter from Dad today. He congratulated me on getting sorted into Slytherin," he said with a proud smirk.

"And you're telling me this, because..."

"He wrote that he's really proud of me," he added.

"Okay, good for you."

"He also wrote that... wait, no. He didn't write anything about you, I'm sorry," his smirk became wider.

"Great, is that all you wanted to say?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, please," Mason scoffed. "Don't pretend like you don't care. It's breaking your cold, tiny little heart inside, we both know it."

"I may have a tiny heart, but at least I don't have a tiny brain. It's only the beginning of the year, but you're already failing most of your classes, aren't you? Did you tell him about that as well?"

"Aw, look at you being a proud little nerd," he said in a mocking voice.

"Wow, Mia," Sage spoke up next to her. "I didn't know your brother was such a jerk."

Mason narrowed his eyes as he turned his attention towards the Ravenclaw.

"And who are you to speak that way about me?!"

"Why, who are you?" Sage asked back. "Just an immature little kid with an enormous ego, nothing else."

He clenched his jaw, not saying a word.

"Aw, cat got your tongue, brother?"

Glancing back at his sister with a mad expression, he knocked the books out of her hands, then stormed away with his friends following him shortly after.

Mia let out a tired sigh as she bent down to collect her books.

"Do you seriously have to live with that?" Sage asked with a frown.

"Unfortunately," she nodded at her friend. "But it's not that bad here, I just have to avoid him," she shrugged.

The green eyed girl shook her head disapprovingly, then they continued their way towards the library.


After their study session, the girls decided to go outside to the Middle Courtyard to breathe some fresh air. They were sitting in a comfortable silence, which was broken by loud laughing.

Mia opened her eyes, searching for the source of the noise. A bunch of first year Gryffindor boys strolled out, turning the Courtyard from peaceful to noisy, which the girls didn't like.

"Would you look at Mr Popular, standing in the middle of his little group like a star," Sage said in a sarcastic tone.

"Are you talking about Potter?" Mia frowned.

"Who else would I be talking about?" Sage asked.

"Okay, relax," she rolled her eyes.

"By the way... How do you feel about him being here?"

"What do you mean? Should I be feeling some type of way because of him?" Mia furrowed her eyebrows.

"I was just asking because of... you know, your parents and all," she shrugged.

"I'm not going to dislike someone because of their parents, they're not them," Mia said calmly. "Although I am going to dislike him if he starts walking around Hogwarts thinking he owns the place."

"Yeah, you have a point," Sage nodded.

"But hey... If you knew about my parents, then why did you want to become friends with me?" She raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.

"First of all, I could only have a problem with your father, your mother didn't do anything."

"Okay, true."

"Second of all," she continued. "Like you said, I'm not going to dislike someone because of their parents either."

"That's fair too," Mia smiled, nodding at her friend.

"And lastly, both of my parents were in Slytherin, and they don't have the purest history either, so who am I to judge?"

"Huh... So both of our parents did some messed up things, right?"

"Oh, definitely," Sage chuckled.

"Does that mean that it's our turn now?" Mia asked jokingly.

"No, absolutely not," her friend shook her head. "We're too young for that, we should focus on our studies. Maybe a few years later."

"You're right. For now, I'll be completely satisfied if I can get better grades than Mason."

"That doesn't seem like it should be too hard," Sage let out a laugh.

"Yeah, it really doesn't."

After a few seconds, Sage stood up from the ground.

"Come on, let's go back to the Common Room. Our peace has been destroyed anyway."

Mia nodded, then she got up as well.

"Let's hope I can actually get inside today," she commented, earning a chuckle from Sage. "Or I'll just sneak in with you."

"No, you won't. You're supposed to be a Ravenclaw, so act like one and solve the riddle for yourself."

"I'll try my best, but just in case I fail, will you get me a pillow from our room at least?"

"No, I'm afraid you have no option but to answer it correctly."

"You're the worst," Mia sighed, then the two of them walked back inside the castle, leaving the noisy Gryffindors behind.

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