Chapter 29

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"Albus, come on!"

Kaden kept tugging on the Slytherin's robes, but he wouldn't budge. He was rooted to the ground as he watched the two seventh-years together next to a tree, kissing. His mouth fell open, and he felt sick, like he could vomit any second. He wanted to march over to them and tear them apart, to drag the Ravenclaw away from the Gryffindor, but he was unable to move, the only thing he could do was watch.

"For Merlin's sake, Albus, come on!"

Kaden gathered all of his strength, he put his hands on his shoulders and started pushing him back towards the castle as fast as he could. When they arrived in the Entrance Hall, he let go of his friend and supported himself on his knees, breathing heavily.

"They're – they're together," Albus mumbled, staring at the wall.

"Yeah, I noticed," Kaden tried catching his breath.

"But – how could she?"

"How couldn't she?" Kaden raised an eyebrow at him. "She has the right. Although I wouldn't have thought that she would go for a Gryffindor..."

Albus sent him a glare. "Aren't you supposed to be on my side?!"

"I am on your side!" He glared back. "But tell me, how is she supposed to be with you if she's not even aware of the fact that you like her, huh?"

"She – she could've read the signs, she could've figured it out!"

"You basically told her that you have a crush on a girl from our year! Plus you did say that you wouldn't do anything about her, that it was just a crush and it would go away..."

"But I was wrong, wasn't I?!" He ran a hand through his black hair.


Albus let out a deep sigh. "I'm a complete failure, aren't I?"

"You can't be a failure if you haven't even tried."

"Well that made me feel better, thanks," he rolled his eyes.

"Come on," Kaden put a hand on his shoulder. "You know what Dad used to tell Mason? Use any means to achieve your ends. You're a Slytherin too, shouldn't you live by that?"

"Yeah, I'm a Slytherin, thanks for reminding me..."

"That's not a bad thing, though! Mia loves Slytherins!"

"Kaden," he raised his eyebrows at him. "We just saw her in the arms of a Gryffindor, plus she hates Mason and his friend –"

"But she wanted to be in Slytherin originally, I think! You could use that to your advantage, just channel your Slytherin-ness!"

"What does that even mean?"

"You'll figure it out," Kaden pat his shoulder. "But who knows? Maybe they won't even work out. And maybe... now that you have competition, you'll work a little harder for what you want. For who you want."

"Yeah, like I actually have a chance..."

"Not with that attitude, you don't."

"Didn't you tell me that I couldn't compete with Stone?" Albus gave him a questioning look.

"That doesn't mean you can't try."

Albus turned towards the doors grumpily. "I can't believe this."

"At least it's not James," Kaden shrugged. "Imagine if she went out with him instead, it would be game over for you."

"Wow, you just keep making me feel better and better," he said sarcastically.

The Gryffindor grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him. "Stop moping and pull yourself together, mate! I wouldn't want you either if I saw you like this!"

"Let's be realistic, Kaden! What chance do I have? She already found someone by the looks of it, plus she said that she wishes I was her brother!"

"Because she never saw you as a man!" He argued. "You need to show her a different side of you!"

"It doesn't matter... she already has Alexander," Albus grimaced.

"Listen," Kaden lowered his voice. "I'm here, I'll do my best to help you. We'll figure something out, I promise."

Albus tilted his head to the side, giving his friend a confused look. "Why do you support this so much? She's your sister."

"Well..." Kaden put his hands in his robe's pockets. "It would be cool to actually be related to you, to have you in our family... I mean, you're already like a brother to me, but if you and Mia got together... then hopefully... you know, that could happen."

"Oh... Well, if you want to be related to me, you could always start dating Lily," Albus said, making Kaden cringe.

"Ah, no offence, but I'll pass."

"What?!" His eyes widened. "Why, what's wrong with her?"

"First of all, she's too young. Second of all, I don't like gingers."

"So no Rose either?" Albus asked jokingly.

"Please, Rose is even worse," Kaden shuddered. "She's so annoying, honestly. I'm glad it's not me who's related to her."

"Not like I get along with her," Albus scoffed. "You know we don't talk unless it's necessary."

"And I understand why! Oh well, at least we have each other, right?"

"Right," he nodded. "I just wish we were in the same house."

"That would make our lives easier, but it is what it is," Kaden shrugged. "Come on, we should get back to our dorms now, it's getting late. We can figure something out tomorrow, just try not to think about it too much, yeah?" He nudged him.

"Yeah... I'll try..."

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