Chapter 11

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Walking out of Charms class, the two Ravenclaws started making their way towards the library to get started on an essay instead of procrastinating.

"Maybe you should use the Cheering Charm on your brother," Sage suggested. "Like, does Mason ever smile?"

"He doesn't smile. He smirks," Mia rolled her eyes with a scoff.

"Please don't mention that word, like, ever again," she shuddered. "Seeing it happen is one thing, but hearing it is just too much for me."

"You mean smirk? As in smirk? When someone smiles in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way? Smirk?" The brunette grinned at her friend.

"If you keep repeating it then is stops sounding like an actual word."


"Thanks, you can stop now."

"Malfoy!" Someone shouted, making the girls turn around.

Mia didn't even have to see the person's face to know who it was, hearing their voice was more than enough in order to identify them.

The boy hurried over to them with a mad expression and stood in front of the girl with his arms crossed.

"How do you plan on wasting my time today, Potter?" She asked him in a bored tone.

"Did you tell McGonagall about my map?" James raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.

"Your map?" The Ravenclaw frowned. "Oh, that thing that you stalked me with?"

"Yes, that one," he nodded.

"You just admitted to stalking me and I have a witness," she gestured towards Sage. "But why do you ask?"

"Because she took it away from me!" He narrowed his eyes.

"That sounds like a you problem," she shrugged.

"It's going to be a you problem once I find out it was you who told her!"

"First of all, I'm innocent until proven guilty, and second of all, good luck with that, because it wasn't me. But anyway," she squinted her eyes as she took a step closer to him. "One would think that if someone had such a worthy possession, they would make sure it was safe instead of going around telling people about it. Not like I would expect that from you, though, so it's understandable that it got taken away from you."

"It wasn't you?" He asked back, giving her a sceptical look.

"No," she said simply. "Can you leave me alone now? We have an essay to write, and unlike you, I actually care about my studies."

"The Charms essay?" His eyes lit up. "Can you help me with it?"

"I would rather see you fail," she said honestly.

"Oh, okay. I see how it is," James nodded. "You have no problem practising with my little brother, but you refuse to help me. Favouritism isn't a good thing, Mia."

"I only help those who deserve it. Sorry not sorry."

"And I don't deserve it?!" The Gryffindor raised his voice, offended.

"Uh, that's a fact. Next," she snapped her fingers.

"You're so cruel..."

"Then why do you keep coming to me? I'm not going to start treating you differently, I don't like you!" Mia scowled, earning a few looks from the students walking by. "Leave me alone or suffer, your choice."

"But how can you not like me?" He straightened his back. "Everybody does."

"Seems like I'm a nobody, then, because I obviously don't."

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