Chapter 50

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Arriving at the Entrance Hall, Mia spotted James waiting for her. He was wearing a black, fur-lined parka with matching sweatpants and boots. There was a big bag in one of his hands, which confused the Ravenclaw.

"I thought you didn't like wearing all black," she said the moment she walked up to him.

He shrugged. "It's not that bad."

Mia hummed, then nodded her head towards the bag. "What's in there?"

"You'll find out in a minute," he grinned. "Shall we?"

"Alright," she sighed.

The two of them went outside, where everything was covered in snow. Mia squinted her eyes slightly, trying to adjust them to the sudden brightness.

"Man, I love winter," James commented, staring at the scenery in awe.

Mia frowned. "I don't. It's too wet for my liking."

James' eyes widened, then he cleared his throat quickly. "Too wet?"

"Yeah," she nodded. "I don't like snow that much, it's quite inconvenient and messy in my opinion. I prefer dry weather, but thankfully it's not snowing right now."

"Well, let's hope that you'll like what I have planned, then. Come on."

They walked past a few students, who were either building something from the snow or were throwing it at each other mercilessly.

After a while of walking, James stopped next to a tree near the frozen lake. He put the bag down, then he turned to look at Mia.

"We're here," he announced happily.

"Okay..." Mia said hesitantly while tightening her coat around her body.

James tilted his head to the side. "Are you cold? I asked you to dress warmly."

"I did, I just forgot my scarf in our dorm and it bothers me not to have it. Would you mind if I went back to –"

"Oh, that can be fixed quite easily," James interrupted her. He bent down, then pulled his Gryffindor scarf out of the bag. "Here, you can wear this," he smiled, placing it around her neck gently.

"Thanks," she said quietly, pulling her hair out from under the thick material. "Will you reveal what's in the bag now?"

"Ah, of course!" Grinning, he bent down again, then came back up with two pairs of ice-skates in his hands. "Here they are!"

Mia staggered backwards with her eyes widening. "No," she said firmly.

The corners of his mouth turned downwards. "No? Why not?"

"Because – well, what if the lake is not frozen properly? Besides, aren't students only allowed to do this with supervision?" She crossed her arms across her chest.

"Nah, me and my friends do this every year," he waved his hand. "We'll be fine, I promise."

"But – but –"

"What's the matter?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Can you not skate?"

Mia straightened her posture quickly. "No, of course I can!"

"I don't see what the problem is, then," James shrugged.

She bit down on her lower lip. "Is it even my size?"

"Well, I made it smaller for you, but if it's still too big, you can just use your wand to adjust it."

"Fine," she said bitterly, then she walked up to him and took the pair he was holding out towards her.

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