Chapter 19

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7th year

It was the very last day of July. The Sun was shining brightly on the sky with not a single cloud to cover it, birds were chirping and a lot of kids were playing outside. The garden that belonged to the Malfoy Mansion, however, was empty.

Sitting inside the living room were two soon-to-be fifth-year boys playing on a video game console called PlayStation.

The youngest Malfoy kid visited his older friend once, who introduced him to the world of video games. After going back home, he begged his parents to get him a gaming console as well, which eventually they did.

"Mate, you suck at football," Kaden put his controller down while looking over at his best friend.

"I don't!" The blacked-haired guy protested. "This game has absolutely nothing to do with your actual skills!"

"Okay, I'll rephrase it, then," he nodded. "Mate, you suck at FIFA."

"Who cares? At least I'm not a complete failure when it comes to playing Overwatch."

"That game sucks ass!" Kaden exclaimed.

"You only say that because you're horrible at it!"

"Not worse than you are at FIFA! Or Quidditch, for that matter."

"That's rich coming from you, Kaden," the Slytherin raised his eyebrows.

"Hey! The only reason I didn't make it into the team was because I'm too good!"

"Is too good a new way to say terrible?" Albus crossed his arms over his chest.

"Whatever," the brunette rolled his eyes, leaning back in the armchair.

"Are you two arguing again?" Katherine walked inside the living room with two bowls of ice cream in her hands.

"No," they both replied at the same time, making her shake her head.

"Why don't you go play outside? The weather is lovely."

"Mum," Kaden raised his eyebrows at her questioningly. "How could we possibly play video games outside?"

"The world is more than just video games, dear."

"That's not my philosophy. It's too hot outside anyway."

"That's kind of the point of summer, isn't it? But fine."

She handed a bowl of ice cream to both of them.

"Thank you," Kaden grinned as he took it from her.

"Thanks, Mrs Malfoy."

"You're welcome, Albus," Katherine smiled at him. "I'll leave you two alone now. I'll be in the garden if you need me."


After she left, Kaden took a spoonful of ice cream and put it in his mouth.

Albus put the bowl down instead of actually eating the ice cream, earning a confused look from his friend.

"What are you doing? It's going to melt."

"That's what I'm waiting for."

"Huh?" The brunette tilted his head.

"I like it better when it's a tiny bit melted," he shrugged.

"You're weird, Al."

"It's great, I swear!"

The two boys were interrupted once again when another person walked inside the room, making both of them turn towards the doorway.

Mia had a blank expression on her face as she took a glance around the room. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap top with matching shorts, her hair secured in a bun at the top of her head.

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