After their classes, Mia met up with James in front of the Owlery.
"Hello, mi amor," James wrapped his arms around her body, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I've been thinking about you all day," he mumbled, tightening his hold around her.
"I'm sure you have," Mia muttered, her cheek pressed against his chest.
"So..." He loosened his grip just enough, so he could glance down into her eyes. "Why did you want to meet me here?" He nodded his head towards the tower.
"Well," Mia straightened her posture, "I have a letter to send."
James furrowed his eyebrows. "To...?"
Smiling, Mia intertwined their hands. She started walking up the stairs, pulling the Gryffindor along with her.
When they stepped inside the room full of owls, Mia let go of his hand and started looking for her owl, Crystal.
"Careful," James put his hands inside his pockets. "There's owl poop all over the place."
"Charming," Mia rolled her eyes.
"I'm just saying," he shrugged. "So, who are you writing to?"
Crystal flew down to Mia, who took some parchment out of her bag. "My dad."
"Yeah," Mia sighed. "Apparently, he would like to know what's new with me. Perhaps he'll wish he didn't when he reads about me dating you."
James' eyes widened. "What?!"
"No offence," Mia sent him a smile, "but you are a Potter. And a Gryffindor."
"Like any of that should matter," James mumbled grumpily as he walked up to her. "The only thing that matters is that I love you," he snaked his arms around her waist slowly.
She looked up at his face, smiling. "How much?"
He broke out in a grin, then leaned down to connect their lips.
Before they could get too carried away, Crystal flew onto James' head, making him pull away from Mia.
"Hey!" He glanced up, frowning.
Mia snorted. "Well, back to work, I suppose."
James groaned, then his eyes widened suddenly. "Maybe I should send a letter to my dad as well."
"Knock yourself out," she said, handing him a piece of parchment along with a quill.
Draco was doing paperwork in his office at home when he heard knocking on his door.
"Come in!" He said without looking up.
"Hey there," Katherine walked inside the room, closing the door after herself.
"Hello, love," Draco broke out in a small smile, putting his quill down.
He stood up from his chair and walked over to the sofa, gesturing for Katherine to sit down next to him, which she did.
"You received a letter," she handed it to him, smiling.
"Is it from Mia?" His eyes widened in surprise.
"Correct," Katherine nodded with a grin.
"Ah..." Draco took the letter from his wife slowly. "Mason must've told her about me complaining... Well, let's see..."
He unrolled the parchment, then cleared his throat, preparing to read the letter out loud.
I hope my letter finds you well.
I figured I should share some news with you and Mum.
As of now, I am dating James Sirius Potter.
That is all.
- Mia"
Draco blinked. "Dating... James Sirius Potter..." He read her words again, trying his best to digest them.
Katherine's eyes lit up. "That's amazing! Isn't it, Draco?"
"Amazing..." He thought out loud. "Well, she didn't mention anything about him making her happy..."
"Oh, I'm sure he does!" Katherine nudged his arm. "He must be a nice young man."
Draco frowned, recalling their last encounter. "She spent a night with him in Hogsmeade, remember? When McGonagall called me in along with Potter?"
"Right..." She shifted on the sofa. "Well, so what if he's a little... rebellious? Or a little wild..."
"That boy is a menace, love," Draco squinted his eyes slightly. "What if he gets Mia into trouble or something?"
"Come on," Katherine grabbed his hand gently. "Mia is a smart girl, she can look after herself."
"I know that..."
After a few seconds of silence, Draco let out a big sigh.
"Oh well, as long as she's happy... I suppose I should congratulate her, right?"
"That's a great idea," Katherine smiled at him encouragingly.
Sighing, Draco stood up from the sofa. "I'll get some parchment..."
Harry was sitting at their kitchen table reading a newspaper when James' owl appeared at their window.
"Oh, hello there," he stood up to let the owl inside.
After he did that, he closed the window again, then took the letter from the owl and sat back down.
"Ginny!" He raised his voice. "James sent a letter!"
Hearing those words, she rushed inside the room and sat down next to Harry.
"What does it say?"
"Well, I haven't opened it yet –"
"Go on, then!"
Harry opened the letter, then fixed his glasses quickly.
You won't believe who I'm dating! Guess who!
... Okay, I'm sure your guess wasn't correct. I'M FINALLY DATING MIA BREE MALFOY! MIA! I'M DATING MIA, DAD! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!
I'm so over the moon right now!!!
Anyway, how are you and Mum doing? Let me know.
Your favourite child, James
P.s. I'm dating Mia Malfoy. Did I mention that yet? Well, just in case... I'm dating Mia Malfoy. Ha, I still can't quite believe it!
Okay, love you, bye!"
Harry put the letter down slowly. "Well... He did it. Not sure how, but... he did it."
"He did," Ginny nodded. "Maybe we should schedule a meeting with the Malfoys, huh? Set a date for the wedding and all that..." She joked.
Harry blinked. "I reckon I should have a word with Draco..."
"Well, unless Mia breaks up with James, I'm sure they'll stay together, so... yeah, maybe you should."
"Will do," Harry mumbled, trying to process everything. "Will do..."

In Your Shadow ✓
أدب الهواةSpin-off to "The Marriage Law - A Slytherpuff Story" COMPLETED