Chapter 3

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When the entrance to the Great Hall opened, all eyes turned to look at the group of first years.

"I can't believe we're actually here," Daisy whispered to her friend excitedly.

The kids made their way up to the front, then they stopped, looking at the Headmistress.

"Wow," Jason mumbled. "I can't believe she's still here. She looks ancient."

"Be quiet."

McGonagall greeted the students, then all the attention turned towards the Sorting Hat.

"After you hear your name, please come up here. The Sorting Hat will be placed on your head, then you will be sorted into your houses."

The crowd remained quiet, waiting for the first name to be called.

The brunette girl kept a serious expression on her face while the first few students were getting sorted.

"Adams, Daisy!"

She turned to her friend, offering her a light smile as she walked up to the Sorting Hat.

"Oh, how interesting... Not the brightest mind, but a heart of gold you have... A loyal friend, I see... Yes, I know just what to do with you..."


Daisy smiled, happy about the fact she got sorted into her dad's house, then she made her way towards that specific table.

"Bennett, Jason!"

"Here we go..." The ginger boy let out a sigh.

He sat down on the chair with a calm expression.

"Ah, there's no doubt about you, you're just like your father. Loyal, but courageous at the same time... Quite stubborn, I have to say..."


He grinned, satisfied with the Sorting Hat's choice as he walked away from that spot.

After a few more kids, she heard the name of her twin brother.

"Malfoy, Mason Abraxas!"

Some of the students started murmuring while the girl narrowed her eyes as she watched him walk up there and sit down on the chair with confidence.

"Let's not waste much time on you, eh?"


The students from the mentioned house started clapping and cheering for the young Malfoy boy.

Mason smirked as his eyes met with his sister's deep blue ones in the small crowd. He gave her a look like he just won a battle, then went to sit down at his table.

"Malfoy, Mia Bree!"

The girl straightened her back, then she walked up to the Sorting Hat with a blank expression on her face.

As it was placed on her head, she was met with complete silence. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but then after a few seconds she heard a voice in her head.

"What shall I do with you?" The Sorting Hat asked the young girl.

"How am I supposed to know? That's your job to figure out, not mine."


The Hat became silent again, making the girl nervous.

"What's all this anger inside you? At such a young age..."

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