Mia and Sage decided to take advantage of their dorm being empty and started working on their homework there instead of going to the library.
After a while of perfect silence, they were distracted by a subtle tapping noise.
"Hey..." Sage furrowed her eyebrows. "Does that owl look familiar to you?" She asked, gesturing towards the window next to Mia's bed.
She turned around to look at it and her eyes widened immediately. Staring at the Great Grey Owl floating outside, she frowned.
"It can't be," she murmured, standing up to open the window.
"I'll take that as a yes," Sage nodded.
Mia opened the window, but as soon as she took the letter out of its grasp after making sure it was addressed to her, the owl took off. She closed the window, then started studying the letter in her hand.
"What is it?" Her friend asked curiously.
"It's... it's from my father," she mumbled.
"Whoa," Sage's eyes widened. "Go on, then! Open it!"
She opened it hesitantly, then took a deep breath before reading it, not knowing what to expect.
When she finished reading the exceptionally short letter, she crumpled the piece of parchment up and threw it across the room furiously.
"What's wrong?!" Sage asked with a concerned expression on her face.
"I waited seven years!" Mia exclaimed. "Seven years for him to send me a letter and this is what it's about?!"
"What does it say?"
"He wants me to stay away from Alexander. That's literally all it says. How does he even know?!"
"But did he say why he wants that?"
"No. I assume it's because he's a Gryffindor, but you know what? I don't care! I really do not care about what he thinks anymore! I'm done! He wants me to stay away from Alexander? Fine, I might just marry him, then."
"Whoa, that's a bit far, don't you think?" She chuckled.
"Just watch me! I'm going to marry him, have children with him, who are all going to be Gryffindors, and then their children are going to be Gryffindors too. We're all going to visit his grave, and then I'll look his tombstone in the eye and say 'aren't they beautiful, father? Look at their crimson coloured ties, look at that bloody lion on their robes!'"
"Why did the Sorting Hat not put you in Slytherin again?" Her friend tilted her head to the side.
After hearing her question, Mia scoffed. "I see two paths in front of you..." She said in a mocking voice. "I see one path in front of you, and it's going to be me feeding you to the wolves once I get my hands on you... What a joke, that Sorting Hat is. A waste of material, really. My owl could make better decisions than that thing."
"Okay, chill," Sage said in a calming voice. "You're just upset, you don't actually mean that. Who you're truly mad at is your dad, not the Sorting Hat."
"I know," she groaned.
"And I know you know," the Ravenclaw nodded. "Now come here and relax."
Mia sighed, then walked over to her friend's bed and laid down.
"Good. Take a few deep breaths now."
"Okay, Mum."
Sage slapped her forehead, then the two of them stayed like that, being silent.

In Your Shadow ✓
FanfictionSpin-off to "The Marriage Law - A Slytherpuff Story" COMPLETED