Chapter 38

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Katherine and Draco Malfoy were sitting in their living room. Katherine occupied herself with knitting, while her husband was busy reading a newspaper.

A sudden noise disturbed her, making her look away from her work in progress. Glancing up at the window, she noticed a Screech Owl floating outside. She stood up, then made her way over to the window and opened it. The owl flew inside and settled on Draco's right shoulder.

"Get off," he grumbled, waving his hand at the bird.

"Come here, Roger," Katherine reached out, but he didn't budge.

Frowning, she took the letter out of his grasp, which Roger clearly wasn't happy with. Katherine tilted her head in confusion.

"It's for you," she said quietly.

Draco looked up from the newspaper, staring at her with raised eyebrows. "For me?"

"Yeah... but Kaden has never sent you a letter before... he always sends them to me."

"You read it, then," he shrugged, looking back down.

"No, you read it!" She protested, handing it out for him. "He addressed it to you."

"Fine, just get this creature away from me," Draco groaned, but after his words, Roger flew over to Katherine. "I suppose it can't be worse than him getting sorted into Gryffindor," he muttered as he opened the letter.


I'm writing to you because of Mia. She seems to have taken serious interest in a guy in her year. He's a Quidditch captain. Which team, you ask? Gryffindor. He's a Gryffindor. Your only daughter fancies a Gryffindor. His name is Alexander Stone. Just thought you ought to know.

If Mum asks, I'm fine.


Draco narrowed his eyes at the piece of parchment in his hand, then threw it towards his wife, who managed to catch it somehow.

"Read it!" He demanded as he stood up from his armchair and started pacing around the room.

Running her eyes over the letter quickly, Katherine broke out in a gentle smile.

"Well," she looked back at him, "isn't this what you wanted? She's interested in someone."

"Someone?" Draco stopped, glaring at his wife. "Haven't you read his name, Katherine?!"

"His name?" She asked confusedly. "I thought you were mad about him being a Gryffindor. What's wrong with his name?"

Draco stared at her in disbelief. "Alexander Stone. Stone. Ring any bells, sweetheart?"

"Aaah," Katherine nodded in realization. "Of course, but it's quite a common surname, isn't it? It doesn't automatically mean that he's related to –"

"Don't say his name!" He interrupted her angrily. "It can't possibly be a coincidence, I'm not that lucky."

"So what if he is related to him? He might still be a nice boy."

"My daughter is not going to associate herself with the spawn of Stoner, Katherine! See, this is exactly why I suggested setting her up with Blaise's son! She deserves someone who's worthy of her, not someone like... like him," he spat. "But it seems like she doesn't know what's good for her."

"Well, maybe you should tell her how worthy you think she is, don't you think?" She crossed her arms over her chest.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"You barely ever acknowledge her, Draco! I'm pretty sure Mia thinks you hate her," Katherine narrowed her eyes at him. "No, actually, I know she thinks that! Can't you remember what she said to you before they went back to Hogwarts?"

"Oh, she couldn't possibly have meant that! She's my daughter, of course I love her!"

"You certainly don't show it, do you?" She raised an eyebrow at the blonde.

"I... well, I give her everything she wants, don't I?" Draco gave her a questioning look.

"No, I give her everything she wants. It's me who always goes shopping with them, not you!"

"But I'm the one who gives you the money to buy those things, so it is me who gets her everything!"

"Money doesn't equal love, Draco! You've been neglecting her ever since she was a little girl!"

"I told you I'm not good with girls!" He protested. "I thought we agreed that I'd handle the boys and you'd handle the girls, didn't we?!"

"No, we didn't! You suggested the idea and I told you that that's not how it should work! But despite that idea of yours, I still spent more time with Arvin and Kaden than you did, didn't I?"

"Well... I'm a busy person, Katherine, I have a lot of work –"

"That didn't stop you from spending time with Mason, though, did it?!"

"And look at how amazing he turned out to be!"

"Are you saying that the others didn't turn out to be amazing?" She glared at him.

"No, no, that's not what I meant!"


"Listen, Katherine, that's not the point right now!" He ran a hand through his hair frustratedly. "I have to go and do some damage control."

"What?! What do you mean?"

"Nothing, you can go ahead and send Kaden's owl back."

"He's called Roger," she frowned, smoothing down his feathers.

"Yes, yes, that," he said, walking towards the door. "I'll be in my office."

Shaking her head, Katherine got some treats for the owl, then went to get a piece of parchment and put it down on the coffee table.

"My dear Kaden,

Your dad got your letter. I'm glad to know that you're fine. If you need anything, let me know. Also, I know it's hard to go back to school after the break, but your O.W.L.s are coming up, so make sure to study!

Give my greetings to Albus.

Love you lots, Mum"

"Here you go," she smiled as she attached the letter to Roger's leg, then she opened the window again. "Have a safe flight back," she patted him once more, then he spread his wings and took off.

Katherine watched as the owl became smaller and smaller, eventually disappearing in the sky.

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