0. Introduction

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Thank you for clicking on this story to give it a try! 

I wanted to clarify a couple of things before you read the story;

↳ In this fanfic, Tom Riddle is in the same year as Draco Malfoy. At the beginning of the story, he is a normal student. But, he is still Voldemort, he will just become him later in the story. 

↳ This story will not follow the original plot of the Harry Potter series, so please don't mention it because I know. Although it will have events from it, just not the same order. A couple of facts from Harry Potter will also be slightly different. 

↳ The characters (except Elizabeth McGonagall) belong to JK Rowling. As well as the whole 'Harry Potter' idea. All the credit goes to her.

↳ If you have been following me, you know that I usually updated my stories every day. However, for this particular story, I don't know if I'll be able to update every day. But what I do know is, I'll for sure update once in 2-4 days. Please be patient with me, a lot of things are happening in my life right now. 

↳ I will post sneak peeks of the next chapters on my TikTok, I also post edits and all. So if you want to keep up, you can follow me there too. (user: fanofpottah)

And now, 
I represent to you...


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