14. the woods

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Elizabeth instantly got off from his bed, giving him a death glare, "What did you say?" 

"I know, killing sounds bad," Draco also stood up, "But think of all the horrible things he did to us. We can't let him destroy our future." 

"Draco," Elizabeth started breathing deeply, "Do you hear yourself right now?" 

He stayed silent.

"I am not and will never kill anybody, not only Tom," Elizabeth gave her answer.

"Think about it, will you?" Draco encouraged her.

"There is nothing to-to think about. You shouldn't have thought of this in the first place," Elizabeth walked next to him, "Promise me not to do anything about it."


"Promise me you won't do anything that would put him in danger, Draco." 

"Don't tell me you developed feelings for this boy?" Draco's hand turned into a fist on his side. 

"I haven't," she lied, "I am just not a murderer." 

Elizabeth had come to his dorm to fix things with him. But after what he said, she couldn't abide being in the same room with him anymore.

She left. 

She went back to her own single dorm. Hermione's bed was still empty. Her desk was so organized, with no books or Hermione's notes.

She missed her laughter filling up the room, their late-night talks, and gossiping. The way Hermione had a way to comfort her, no matter the situation. The way Hermione combed Elizabeth's hair for her.

All around the rooms were memories of them together. She closed her eyes, letting her mind fill with Hermione's voice. She could clearly hear Hermione teasing her like she's just feet away. 

She wondered how they were doing, traveling around the world, trying to find Horcruxes to kill Tom.

Then, a knock on her door stopped the hallucinations. 

"Come in," she whispered.

Another Gryffindor girl came in, "Every house is called to the Great Hall," she informed Elizabeth, "The Professor's want to have a talk with all of us." 

"I'll be right there."

Elizabeth put herself together. Next, she walked out of her dorm, her destination being the Great Hall.

Once she arrived, everyone was already there. She found a seat for herself in her own house. Although there were so many people, more than she can count, in the room, she felt alone.

She had no one.

"Silence!" Her aunt made all the chatting fade away around the Hall, "I have called you all here for a very serious matter. Hogwarts is in danger, and so are all of you." 

With her sentence, even if she ordered everyone to talk, everyone would stay silent. Not a single noise was heard anymore, except Professor McGonagall's voice.

"With that being said," her aunt went on, "no one is allowed to leave Hogwarts unless it's asked from a teacher." 

When Elizabeth's ears processed Professor's last sentence, the rest of the announcement couldn't go in her ear.

If she couldn't leave Hogwarts, how would she meet Tom? How would she continue her training for the war?

Questions filling up her mind made her feel dizzy. Once everyone stood up from their seats, she guessed the meeting was over.

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