9. her prince

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"There is no way that I am letting you talk with her," Draco rejected Tom's order. "No way," he emphasized himself.

"Is that a bug talking?" Tom was the only one grinning in the room, "because I don't remember asking for it to talk," he referred to Draco.

Draco got furious. Being unable to hold back any longer, he struck first and punched Tom Riddle.

Riddle laughed.

Finding it hilarious how Draco stood a chance against him.

Elizabeth quickly stopped Tom from furthering the fight, "I'll talk with you."

Draco turned to Elizabeth, his lips parted as he stood in shock. "Why would I leave you two alone?" he asked.

"It'll be ok, Draco."

She tried to gently hug him before leaving, but Draco was too skeptical to let her. He backed away when Elizabeth tried to hug him.

"This way," Tom showed her the way. He locked the door of the living room to ensure nobody followed them and no one fled away.

They reached a library, books all around. Elizabeth smiled at the sight of the books, "It's wonderful," she started reading the titles of a couple of books while Tom watched her, admiring her.

"Reading is an escape from reality, isn't it?"

There he was. The Tom she had met first. She could make out the spark of emotions from his eyes.

"Yea-yea it is," she agreed. Her brain buzzed, it felt like she heard that sentence before.

Then, he switched the button. "This war will make the death eater's the most powerful creatures in the wizard community."

"Why would you do that?" she questioned him.

"To show how powerful I am," he said, feeling superior.

"You don't have to-"

He stopped her, "Everybody will see that they cannot be stronger than me by the end of the war. Nobody will have any other choice but to serve me."

"That only makes you desperate for power," This time Elizabeth's interrupted him.

"I still need to show how much power I hold."

"You don't!"

"Yes, I do!"

They both screamed at each other. Elizabeth blinked faster. War meant loss. Her heart skipped a few beats. War could destroy her friendships. She placed her hand on her chest, trying to keep calm.

"I will not let anyone touch you, even a strand of your hair, I won't let them," Tom thought the reason she was scared was death. But she was far more anxious about witnessing her loved one's death.

Possibly Draco.

Maybe Hermione? Ron?


Then it clicked to her, she recalled what Hermione told her;

"Harry also wants to kill him. He doesn't want Riddle to spread dark magic."

"Is Harry Potter trying to kill you?" Elizabeth eased, "Is that why you want this war? To show your power against Harry?"

Tom stayed quiet.

"I'm right aren't I?" She felt confident.

"You're quite clever," he started speaking, "There is more to it."

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