18. weakness

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Draco was still unconscious on the floor, in the meantime, everyone else grabbed their wands and took off. Not wanting to get on Tom's graveside.

Elizabeth stayed in the same position. 

Tom stood up and looked over at her, "You should also get up and fight if you don't want to die," he looked at her for a while, as if that was his kind of goodbye, "Alone."

Elizabeth left out a sob before Tom also left her. 

Draco slowly groaned and opened his eyes, looking around he saw no one. Except for Elizabeth. He stood up, holding his back. 

"What...happened?" he achingly managed to speak.

Elizabeth stayed quiet.

"Why are you crying?" 

She continued staying quiet. 

"Where is everyone else?" 

"War," she contrived to speak clearly through her tears.

"What?!" Draco instantly stood up, "We-we need to go. We can't stay here. Elizabeth- I- we need to do something!"

"I have nothing to lose anymore," she said to herself, at the same time, she repeated what Tom had told her.

"Elizabeth?" Draco scooched next to her, noticing her non-stop tears, "What happened?" 

"I don't wanna explain it." 

"Alright-alright but we really need to go."

"I don't wanna go."

"Elizabeth!" He was louder, "We need to stop this or it's going to end badly!"

"Draco?" A soft voice Elizabeth never heard entered the common room, "Are you here son?" 

Elizabeth and Malfoy turned around at the same time, noticing Draco's mother coming towards them. 

"Hello there," she gently noticed Elizabeth, then turned back to Draco, "Riddle did it, son. We need to leave. Remember?"

"I am not going to leave," Draco muttered, he then went next to his mother and spoke quietly enough for Elizabeth to not hear them.

While the mother and the son had their conversation, Elizabeth could hear one thing clearly. The spells from the outside. 

She then heard a scream. 

It felt like she knew this voice.

The scream was heard again.

"Hermione," she whispered to herself. And she knew what she had to do. Instantly, she found her feet moving in the direction where the scream was coming from.

"Elizabeth!" Draco called her name several times after her, but she didn't listen.

She noticed Hermione battling with Bellatrix. 

"Oh, such a pity," Bellatrix was yelling at her, "The girl from the Golden trio dies," She continued throwing spells at her as Hermione blocked all of it. However, she was not able to cast any spells herself. 

Elizabeth took out her wand and walked closer to Bellatrix. 

Tom was hiding behind the stairs to watch Elizabeth, but she had no idea. Her back was turned against him. 

"Expelliarmus," she shouted, but her spell backfired. It threw away Hermione's wand instead. Hermione gasped, thinking she was on Bella's side. 

Elizabeth was anxious. She had no idea why she came here in the first place. Their training with Tom wasn't even over yet...it was probably never going to be over now. 

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