8. secrets and powers

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Being with Draco was difficult. Elizabeth had to be very careful, he jumped into conclusions often.

It was usually Elizabeth who sneaked into Draco's dorm since he didn't have a roommate. Nights were the only time they could spend quality time together, without worrying about who would see them.

Elizabeth was in the library, sitting on one of the desks, viewing and taking notes on her homework.

She then felt an eraser getting thrown at her, when she looked up, she saw Draco sitting on one of the desks. Not too far away.

She blushed and smiled at him, Draco bit his lip and stared at her. Elizabeth looked down at her homework and ignored him, when she looked back up again he was still staring at her.

"Stop," she silently mouthed at him.

"I love you, don't forget," Draco mouthed back, not actually speaking.

"I love you too," Elizabeth replied.

Their little romantic moment was ruined when Hermione sat right in front of her, with a large, thick book between her arms.

"We need to talk," she sounded serious.

"Yeah, of course, go ahead," Elizabeth let her.

"We have a problem," she looked anxious, "Harry believes that there are students who are death eaters."

Even though her robes were covering Elizabeth's mark, she closed it with her right hand.

"Oh," she commented.

"He fears that there are people who are studying dark magic. And with dark magic, there could be so many crises," she was using her hands while talking, making sure Elizabeth understood her.

"And..." she encouraged Hermione to go on.

"And he thinks it's Tom Riddle."

Elizabeth gulped, feeling guiltier than ever. She saw a hallucination of Tom Riddle right in front of her.

"If anyone learns a word about what happened here, you'll be dead yourself," She remembered everything he had told her that night.

"Elizabeth?" Hermione called for her, noticing she zoned out, "Do you know something?"

"No-no I don't," she trembled, not trying to look suspicious. "What is your plan?" she asked.

"We couldn't think of one yet, but we are planning to see who else Riddle turned. With that, we can try to learn what he has planned," Granger explained, "Harry also wants to kill him. He doesn't want Riddle to spread dark magic."

"That-that sounds good," Elizabeth looked around, trying to spot Draco, but he didn't seem to be there anymore.

"I have another question, Elizabeth," Hermione didn't look scared now, her expression got more worried.


"Is there anything going on with you and... Draco?" she whispered the name.

It was so sure of their knowledge that they kept it a secret. But when Hermione asked her, her muscles tensed. She let go of her mark and started playing with her fingers.

"What? Ew-ew no," she tried to put on an act, "Why would you think that?"

"Ron caught you too talking a lot, outside of class. He's worried," Hermione tried not to sound disgusted, but you could clearly tell she was.

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