1. the party

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The Gryffindor girl took one last sip of her drink as she shut her eyes closed to take in the burning taste. She dropped the cup on the closest table she noticed. It was difficult enough to see with her blurry vision.

Elizabeth could barely recognize the person standing in front of her.

She could tell what color their eyes were, their hair, and how tall they were. However, it was unclear who was who.

For her, at least.

Hogwarts held a party for the four houses to mark the first week back to school. Everyone was there regardless of whether they were only to check on what was happening or to actually join the fun.

Elizabeth was in the group who joined the fun.

Draco Malfoy was the one observing his surroundings.

He took his seat on the chairs located next to the tables full of desserts. On his lap was Pansy. The girl was playing with her hair while her hips tickled to Malfoy's touch.

Draco wore a serious expression. If someone was to see him, they would hardly believe he was at a party.

Pansy clapped her hands together and urged, "Come on! Let's go have some fun! Please, Draco. Please!"


The smile Pansy wore on her face suddenly vanished, "Please?" she held onto Malfoy's shoulders, "It's not like I'm asking you to join me in torture!" She sneered.

"Get off of me, Pansy." Malfoy pushed her hands off his shoulders and rose up from the table.

"Where are you going?" Blaise joined the conversation, "The fun is just starting!" he offered the second drink in his hand to Draco.

"What are we partying for? The school opening?" He argued.

Pansy and Blaise remained silent.

"Call me when there is actually a party." He then turned away and started finding his way to the exit door.

The sound of the music started to echo in Elizabeth's head while the 7th drink in her hand was spilling everywhere. She had her left hand on her hair, twirling it in every direction, while she was dancing to every beat.

She started to walk backward and suddenly bumped into something. It was too soft to be a wall. Perhaps it was someone she crashed into.

Immediately, the Gryffindor girl turned around in panic. The drink didn't stay stable in her hand, it spilled on the black shirt that the boy she bumped into was wearing.

"Watch where you're going, mudblood," Draco winced and took a step back to ignore more of the drink Elizabeth was spilling.

"I'm not a mudblood!" Elizabeth defended herself, "I'm a girl- a girl who is clearly having fun and you're ruining it!" She muttered under her breath. Her head was dizzy while she didn't know what direction her feet needed to go.

"I'm ruining your fun?" Draco repeated, "You're the one spilling your drink on my shirt!" He took a long breath, "Idiot."

"Stop being so mean," Elizabeth felt as if she could faint any second, her head was banging and her balance was off. "Why are you so mean?!"

"Mean? Now I'm the mean one?"

Elizabeth tilted her head to her right and smirked at Malfoy.

"Oh please," he snapped, "I don't have time for this nonsense."

He turned his back to Elizabeth and, just as he was walking away, he heard someone fall to the ground.

He sighed and looked back to see Elizabeth unconscious on the floor.

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