13. meant to be

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Grief comes in waves, little one, at first they feel so powerful and overwhelming. When they come at every odd hour, they replace the sense of normalcy with those familiar tears. 

Her tears started pouring down.

Yet in time those waves lessen and let the good memories flood in instead, they allow for waves of smiles and warmth, those funny or sweet things that were said. 

She wanted those good memories. She wanted to feel that wave. But Elizabeth never remembered having good memories.

It crushed her heart knowing Tom, who supposedly loved her, ended her own love life.

And then there was Draco, someone who actually cared for her. And he committed himself to keep her safe.

Elizabeth was confused.

Broken, in fact.

Blaise and Pansy rushed into Draco's dorm, "How do you feel, mate?" Blaise sat beside him, concerned.

Elizabeth backed away from all of them, "I-I have to go," her eyes widened more than ever, not sure which way her feet should move, "Take care of him."

And with that, Elizabeth apparated back to the manor.

She knocked on the door with all the strength in her body. Tom opened it so quickly she thought he was already waiting there.

"I knew you would come back." 

"I am going to ask you one question, Tom," Elizabeth spoke clearly, "And you are going to answer it honestly."

"Go on." 

"Did you, or did you not, tell Draco to break up with me?"

The regret drained through Tom rather than skating over his skin. It traveled through every cell to reach the ground.

Then it traveled back into his veins.

"Elizabeth-" he got out of the manor himself and closed the door behind him.

"Yes, or no, Tom" Elizabeth wanted a fact as her answer, not his opinions.

"Yes, but also no." 

"If you don't give me a proper answer, right now, I am going to take that as a yes," Elizabeth backed away as Tom walked towards her. 

"You have to understand me, Elizabeth. Yes, I did tell him. But only because we are meant to be. Not you and him." 

"You-you don't get to decide that for me! I get to make my own decisions!" she snapped, "You can't just make someone break up because you, and only you, believe that you deserve the girl. Do you really think you deserve me?" 

At those moments, Elizabeth had no idea what she was saying. She spoke without thinking. She spilled every word that crossed her mind. 

"Elizabeth, there is so much that you don't-"

"Stop saying that!" she cut him off, "If there is so much that I don't know, then just tell me! It's not that hard! But I am not going to get lead on with lies." 

"I am not lying! We are meant to be! You said it yourself... Please, please remember!"

"Remember what, Tom?" her tears dried up under her eyes, "Do you really think you have the right to destroy people's relationships because of your selfish, useless, unnecessary, love for me?!"




The words mentally craved themselves into his brain. 

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