15. right time

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Elizabeth knew she was scared when those old fears run through her head. Or when she hears the taunting laughter of years past.

Especially when her bad memories cut loose their chains and invade her brain, eroding the person she has built since she met Tom Riddle.

But she was most scared when she saw the trio.

The trio's eyes all went down to Tom's and Elizabeth's hands. Their fingers were locked into each other and they haven't noticed it themselves, but the trio did.

"Ah," Tom started talking, "What brings you here at this time?" he asked, holding Elizabeth closer. Not being afraid. "Looking for another Horcrux?"

Elizabeth gulped back a breath as she processed everything.

"What are you doing with her?" Harry asked.

Ron was still focused on their hands. His ginger hair being more orange than ever, his eyes getting filled up with rage.

Noticing this, Elizabeth tried to let go of Tom's hand. But Riddle didn't let her.

"Oh, we were just out for a late-night run," Tom laughed at his own joke, "You know, just building up those muscles," he taunted.

Weasley walked towards them, his eyes were staring down Elizabeth's soul. Meanwhile, Harry was looking right at Tom Riddle.

Ron gripped Elizabeth's arm and started dragging her to their side.

"A little harsh now, aren't we, Weasley?" Tom pulled Elizabeth back, removing Ron's hand from her arm.

"I don't think so," Ron grabbed Elizabeth's jacket, which was Tom's. Right when he was about to pull on it, Elizabeth realized how screwed she was.

She was wearing a shirt under.

Which meant, her mark would be visible.

"Don't-" Before she could have stopped him, Ron already pulled down the jacket. Revealing the dark mark on Elizabeth's arm.

Hermione gasped.

Ron stumbled a few steps backward.

"You are one of them," Harry muttered.

Guilt comes again and haunts Elizabeth as she takes in a breath. It has been months since she experienced the pain of earning the dark mark, but it still cuts to her just as deep. It just visits her less frequent and softer in duration.

"It's not what it looks like," her voice was shaking as if she was about to break down. Tom grabbed hold of her hand tighter, to support her without speaking.

But the trio had completely turned against Elizabeth already.

"Hermione-" she focused on her, "You'll understand, right?" she let go of Tom's hand, finally and started walking towards her, "I missed you so much," a tear rolled down from Elizabeth's eye as she was about to hug Hermione.

But Granger backed away.

"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, "You lied to me! I can't- I can't believe this."

"I was going to tell you, I really was," Elizabeth took a sharp breath, "but I couldn't."

"WE HAVE TWO HERE!" Ron shouted as loud as he could, "WE HAVE TWO DEATH EATERS HERE!" he yelled for everyone else in the order to come to their place.

Hearing this, Tom sighed and walked to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth looked at the trio one last time, anger all over their face. Tom held her tight and they apparated to the manor.

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