Author's Note

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Please don't hate me for the end <3

And that's a wrap of "breathless"!

It was an amazing journey, I learned a lot about writing throughout this story. All thanks to you guys! Without you, my readers, I would have never been here right now.

Thank you to everyone who read, commented, voted. I have read each comment, read your reactions, laughed at some, cried at some.

I hope you guys loved the book as much as I did! :)

I will continue writing more fanfiction. I am just going to take a little break to focus on other stuff and such. So, if you'd like, you can follow me to stay updated on my next story.

I haven't decided on what to write it about, but I will send updates to ask you guys about it.

Who would you guys want the next fanfic about? Tom? Draco? Or someone else?

Anyway, thank you again.

I love you all.

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