7. obliviate

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Elizabeth opened her eyes.

But she didn't want to.

Flashbacks from last night went through her mind. It was somehow more painful than living it. In less than a second, she rose up from her position and looked at her arm.

The mark was freshly and calmly standing on her arm.

She began panting, not quite sure what she was supposed to do next.

But, all she knew, at the moment, was to cover her arm. She grabbed her sweater and made sure the mark was hidden before Hermione awoke.

When she turned around to see if Hermione was sleeping, Elizabeth couldn't spot her on the bed.

Then the door opened.

The Gryffindor girl, now with the dark mark, flinched at the thought of it being Tom.

She felt her muscles getting tenser and her chest rising up and down, heavily.

To her luck, it was Hermione.

Her hair was a mess. Her clothes weren't properly put on. Her eyes shined and grew wider when she saw Elizabeth in front of her as if she was scared to get caught.

Elizabeth drew a sharp breath.

"Oh- hey," Hermione awkwardly waved, "Before you ask why I wasn't here last night-" she coughed, tried to fix her hair, "Well- uh- after... you know... my birthday party, me and Ron wanted to-to spend the night together."

Elizabeth unconditionally smiled.

"As friends!" Hermione quickly added a lie to her thoughts.

"Right," Her friend smirked.

"Anyway, I should uh- get ready for school!" Just like that, Hermione hurried off for the shower.

When Hermione and her giggles left, it all came back to Elizabeth.

Her screams, the way Tom threw her on the floor, the way he yelled. It came back in front of her eyes, as fast as a train. She lived the same night over and over again.

Her breathing became unsteady.

Her heart couldn't believe that she was a death eater, but her eyes said otherwise.

She refused to attend her classes, but Hermione knowing she missed out on a lot, didn't let her. She packed her books for her, continually informed her of everything Elizabeth didn't get to learn.

But, no matter how much Elizabeth tried, she couldn't understand nor hear what Hermione was blabbering about.

Her ears were full of her own screams and her eyes only saw her mark.

Whether she liked it or not, she joined her classes. When she was walking to potions, only one thing came to her mind.


Maybe he would make her laugh, somehow. She did not know why, Draco out of all people, would make her laugh after what happened to her.

But one part of her just believed it.

She walked into potions... and she suddenly became dissatisfied.

Malfoy didn't come to school that day.

Her day was just going worse and worse.

The day went on and on, the classes went by slow, but when Elizabeth looked back to her day, she realized how fast it had all happened.

Defense against Dark Arts was the only class that Tom put effort into listening to. To this day, the Gryffindor girl didn't know why. But now, it made sense. He cared about dark magic.

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