6. psychopath

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Suddenly, Elizabeth's mind felt like a cracked open beehive. Many, many countless thoughts flying outside of her reach. But instead of the buzzing from the bees, she saw the blood from Tom Riddle.

Draco continued punching him while Elizabeth stood in shock.

Malfoy wasn't exactly sure whether he was punching Riddle because he exposed him, or because he was going to punish Elizabeth the same way he punished Draco.

"Stop!" Elizabeth shrieked at once, "Stop punching him!"

Draco gazed at her in shock, he thought Elizabeth would want him to hit him even more.

"Is he right?" Elizabeth's voice was as soft as a pillow but as cold as the ice, "Are you actually a death eater?"

Draco got off of Tom. He started walking closer to Elizabeth.

Meanwhile, Tom was laying on the floor. Blood running down his nose. He slowly rose up and kneeled next to the bed, watching Draco and Elizabeth.

When Malfoy stepped closer to her, Elizabeth backed away. Making a stop sign with her hand.

"Show me your arm," she demanded.

"Elizabeth, no..."

"Show me your arm!"

She grew furious. Furthermore, she felt like a fool. Just a minute before, she truly believed she and Malfoy would find a way to work things out.

Draco hid his left arm behind him.

Elizabeth was provoked. She gripped his arm. Draco tried slipping away without hurting Elizabeth, but she wasn't going to let that happen easily.

She had to see it with her own eyes to believe it.

"Elizabeth, stop," he first sounded calm, trying to keep everything under control. But the Gryffindor girl wasn't letting him get away that easy, "Stop!" he shouted, louder.

"I will when you let me see your arm!" she defended herself.

Elizabeth finally got ahold of his arm. She started to roll up his sleeve, seeing the detailed mark lying on it.

She instantly dropped his arm.

Still not wanting to believe it.

"Please let me explain," Draco desperately rolled down his sleeve and tried to touch Elizabeth again.

"Explain how you joined his side?! Are you insane?!"

"You are seriously going to throw away what we had because of this stupid mark?" he snapped, at once, speaking fast, "And you are going to get it yourself too!"

"You really think that's the problem? That I can't accept you the way you are?" Elizabeth quietly spoke, she then also higher her voice, "If that was the problem, trust me Draco, I wouldn't even be here with you right now!"

"You are so full of yourself! You-you are the one putting me in this situation! I had to get this mark because of you!"

"Me? What did I ever do? All I did was try and become-become friends with you!"

"Friends? Friends?" he emphasized the word more than once, "Not to mention, you were the one that was all over me just ten minutes ago!"

"So were you!"

"Yeah well, I'm admitting it! You are not!"

With each sentence, their voices became louder and louder. The fight went on and on. There was no clear understanding of what they were arguing about.

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