3. danger

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A couple of books from the aisle fell down as Elizabeth's back was completely touching it. She could feel the books behind her, tracing her back.

She had no idea what Malfoy was up to, or if he was up to anything.

Draco's hands went up to her neck, holding it tight as he made sure his rings hurt her. Making her whimper. He also ensured that her lips would not stop kissing him.

Elizabeth's hands were on her side until the tension grew higher, when it did, she directly wrapped them around his neck and pulled him closer.

Her dirty thoughts from potions class were slowly becoming true.
At least, most of them...

Draco surprised her when he slowly slipped his tongue inside her mouth. Sucking her. She had to tiptoe in order to reach him.

After a while, she got tired of standing on her toes and fell down from his mouth. The two stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

"What was that for?" She questioned, pressing her forehead against his. When she closed her eyes, Draco started talking.

"I saw you staring at me during class," he paused, "think of it as a little prize for you."

"I don't need anything from you!" Elizabeth snapped and kicked him away from her.

"Calm down," Draco was still quiet, keeping his temper in control, "You enjoyed it."

The Gryffindor girl grabbed the closest book to her and threw it at Draco, but he caught it just in time. It didn't even hit him.

"What are you doing?!" he thundered and let go of the book between his fingers, making it collapse on the floor. "You think you can hit me? Pathetic girl," he muttered between his teeth.

Elizabeth didn't stop, she grabbed another book and threw it at him. Instead of catching it, Malfoy moved aside and the book hit the other ones. At once, a bunch of books collapsed down from the aisle.

The girl tried to leave, but Draco kept her from doing so.

"You can only leave if I tell you to," he whispered into her ear.

She lost it.

She lost her temper and slapped him.
It felt so good for a moment before seeing the expression on his face.

Draco held his red cheek as his hair got messier. He slowly let go of his own cheek and stared at Elizabeth.

She was scared.

She had never slapped anyone before. And that was because no one made her as enraged as Malfoy. He thought it was ok to just play with any girl he desires.

Elizabeth had to show him otherwise.

Before the Slytherin was going to explode on her, Elizabeth caught her breath and rushed out of the library.

"Get your act together, or you'll regret it!" Malfoy yelled behind her.

Elizabeth started running through the hallways. Avoiding every person around her and the one she left behind.

Until her last period, she ignored Draco. Although, she could clearly feel his eyes on her the whole day. She would periodically look back at the classroom to see whether Malfoy was still looking at her, and he always was.

They would have a short awkward stare before Elizabeth turned away to focus on her classwork.

She lost count of how many times it had happened.

And the worse part of it, the Gryffindor girl didn't know whether he did it because he was immensely mad or because he was feeling remorse.

The day went on pretty deliberate. The classes seemed to be two times longer. Elizabeth was unusually unfocused, she and Hermione would be the ones to participate every day, every class.

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