19. second try

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The next morning, they didn't waste time. Despite all of Elizabeth's try to make Riddle back away, she was unsuccessful. Tom gave the death eaters his speech, making them feel stronger than how they actually are, and they headed to Hogwarts.

It was quiet.


Elizabeth knew it wouldn't last.

Soon, it would all get destroyed.

There would be deaths.

And her heart skipped a million beats just thinking about her friend's death.

"Attack!" Tom shouted, probably loud enough for everyone to hear it in the castle. While every death eater ran past Elizabeth and Tom, he patiently observed each one of them. Again.

A smirk of history grew on his lips when he realized how much they improved over a night. They felt more confident in themselves.

Acknowledgments to Tom.

Elizabeth gently grabbed his hand that was staying right beside Tom. Kindly, they locked their fingers in each other.

"Please, don't die."

"I won't," Tom promised again, tucking her hair back. "Come on, let's go."

They grabbed their wands and went inside.

She felt guilty.

It was the school she grew up in. And she was destroying it. Every corner had a special memory. And she saw the death eaters destroying it, mercilessly.

She felt a rush of adrenaline walking through the corridors with Tom.

Something bad was going to happen. She could feel it in the way Tom still kept her hand in his.

He was just as scared as Elizabeth.

When Elizabeth noticed Ron and Hermione rushing down the stairs, she let go of Riddle's hand.

"What are you doing?" Tom asked her, starting to get mad, "Elizabeth, hold my hand!"

"I have to talk with them," Without listening to Tom, Elizabeth started running towards Hermione and Ron.

She could only hear him cursing behind her.

The girl started making her way through everyone dueling, blocking any spells that could possibly hit her.

When she reached the stairs that Ron and Hermione went to, she stopped. Elizabeth kneeled down and listened to what they were discussing downstairs.

"It's the lost Horcrux, Ron," It was Hermione's voice.

"If the Basilisk's fang works, that means-"

Hermione cut him off, "That means, Tom will only have one life left. Which means-"

This time, Ron finished her sentence, "Then he can die."

"But Harry needs to kill him," Their voices started to fade away, walking farther, "In the end, they will have to face each other."

Elizabeth took a sharp breath, swallowing her next breath with a sob. There was only one Horcrux left.

Hermione was smart, she thought, if she guessed the fang would work... it would.

"There you are," she heard his voice, "Don't ever leave my side again," Tom grabbed her by her shoulders and made her stand up.

"I need to speak with Ron and Hermione," Elizabeth informed him, not meeting his eyes, "They are not close to the war, I'll be safe."

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