5. dance with me

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Tom Riddle couldn't hold back any longer, he started kissing her lips. Elizabeth flinched from his touch, it felt even colder than Draco's. Tom pulled her closer to him despite her attempts to pull away.

Sooner or later, she gave in.

She had to wrap her legs around his torso to keep her balance. Otherwise, she had to worry about her balance while Tom took advantage of her.

He was rough.

She could feel his tongue extending into her mouth. Tom slammed Elizabeth's back against the nearest wall as she advanced her hands to touch his soft hair.

Elizabeth threw her head back to breathe, he was too fast. Tom let her take a break, but he didn't want a break himself. He kissed her down from her jaw to her neck, working his arm through her clothes.

He backed away, reach the bottom of her dress, and pulled it up. Taking it off of her. The girl extended her arms to the air to make it easier for him to take it off.

Without letting Elizabeth have the pleasure, Tom took off his own shirt. She placed her fingertips on his chest and drew a line down to his belt.

Elizabeth began to wonder if they were alone in the manor.

Tom started leaving trails of his mouth all over her body. Elizabeth did nothing but just feel him all around her. He finally stopped and stared at her. 

Elizabeth smirked.

Bit her lower lip.

And started to kiss down his chest. This time, it was Tom's turn to enjoy her. He simply held onto her neck, controlling the places her lips kissed.

Elizabeth wondered why she was doing such a thing.
She couldn't answer her own question.

Tom slipped his hand behind her, he flipped her over and made her lay down on the cold floor. Standing on top of her.

The floor was solid and intense.

Elizabeth excepted Tom to continue, his eyes were craving for her. Riddle also wanted to keep going. He knew, however, that the deeper he connected with Elizabeth, the harder it would be to cut her out of his life.

Tom rotated and laid down next to Elizabeth on the floor. They both stared at the ceiling. Waiting to catch their breath.

Elizabeth chuckled.

Tom chuckled with her.

"Did I amuse you?" he wondered.

"No," she laughed even more. Her emotional system was completely destroyed. Elizabeth laughed when she was desperate. She continued, "It's just funny how I came here to get the dark mark, and well, you know-"

"You ended up making out with me," Tom finished her sentence for her.

"I guess so," she blushed, "Should we go to the party now?"

"We shall," Tom smiled and stood up, he then helped Elizabeth stand up. They both wore their clothes and vanished back to Hogwarts.

Perhaps Tom did have good in him after all. Could Elizabeth make the good that was buried within him come out?
Or maybe she's wrong and he actually does not possess any good qualities.

Questions swirled through her head. At the same time, Tom stood right behind her and they started walking to the Gryffindor common room, for Hermione's party.

"Did you find the Gryffindor Common Room to be the right place to party?" he asked, in complete confusion.

"Yes," Elizabeth said, irritated.

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